♧■ idk anything ■♧

693 29 26

Welp whats better than and emo and a furry... a stupid emo and furry

Loud footsteps approached the couple. Though they where to zoned out to understand most of it.

"SO THIS IS WHERE YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN.....Is that a fucking bong?" The voice asked. The only response being the sluggish movements and slurred words of the two.


Now allow me to recall the events that previously took place. As it is now 11:47 pm let us move back 6 hours. Back to 5:47 pm.


"Hey hey pssst" atsushi turned his head toward the childish voice. Only to be met with nothing. Turning back around he heard the voice once again. Something about it sounded familiar.

"Psst in the ally way!!" After being given an actual location l. Atsushi made his way over to the ally. But when he got there he expected to see a teen prank8ng him. But was met with one akutagawa with a childish grin on his face.

"Boo!" The man said late trying to surprise atsushi. The lad on the other hand, instead of being scared, was confused. Instantly atsushi begain to examine the man.

"Akutagawa why are you eye red? Pupils dilated? You feel warm" He said hastily.

"I ate chuuyaaaaaAaAAas brownies!" He said trying to sing but unable to hold a pitch.

"...brownies?" He asked

"Yes brownies! Now no time to waste! Be my horse!!" Akutagawa said loudly, wasting no time to jump on the lads back.


"TO THE PORT MAFIA!!!" He proudly announced in a childish voice.

"You sure that'd where you wanna go?" Atsushi asked hesitantly, nor wanting to be light up like a Christmas tree for just trying to get a man home safe.

"Oh how about we go to" and akutagawa leand forward to wisper in the boys ear. And after he was done giggled a bit.

"Oh let's go" atsushi said trying not to dampin his partners mood. He's never been this free spirited before.

[Time skip]

"...a karaoke bar?" He breathed out the question.

"Yes!" Akutagawa said jumping off his back.

"And it's mafia friendly, me and chuuya come here all the time!" He said leading the way into the bar.

"What is wrong with him" atsushi whispered to himself before following behind. Before he entered he made sure to inform kyouka that he'd probably be back super late so she dosent get worried.

Apon entry this bar was quite different. There where rooms for people to drink and sing, but the lobby itself was also a bar and had a stage for karaoke.

"Would you like to get a room?" Atsushi asked the man.

"Nah we are good out here." He responded with an unusual smirk.


"What song should we sing?"

"What!?" The lad was caught by surprise.

"Well it is a karaoke bar" He said, gesturing to the drunk people on the stage singing an off pitched song

"Uh what about *****?" The lad suggested, akutagawa complied handing him a drink that he somehow manifested out of thin air. After a bit, both of them became quite tipsy, as it was also their turn for the stage.

They made there way up the stage and when atushi turned he could see people whispering childishly to one another then look at them and laugh.

"What if a video of this gets online?" Atsushi whispered to akutagawa.

"There's a rule for no phones in the facility to keep port members identity confidential. Why do you ask?" Atsushi responded gesturing towards the people previously laughing at them. Though they got quite quickly after being threatened by ranshoumon.

The men's singing was well uhmm... absolutely shit. They sucked. But they had fun so it didn't matter

[Few drinks later]

"And apparently she threw me to the garbage! What kind of mum does that!!" Atushi said sobbing in akutagawas arms.

"Hey I know the thing that'll cheer you up!" Akutagawa said, taking the lads hand and running out the bar.

The two stumbled along the side walk before eventually reaching the PM headquarters. Akutagawa led the way trough the halls until he abruptly stopped and shoved atushi behind some random plant decor.

"Hey what the-"

"Boss" Akutagawa greeted straightening him self and slightly bowing.

"Hm" mori said giving him a bit of acknowledgement before continuing to walk. 'Reminds me of someone' he thought to himself. Not bothering to look back as atushi clumsily got out the terrible hiding spot.

"Here we are!" Akutagawa announced as they where right in front of an office with the name plate on the Dorr saying "chuuya".

"Why are we here?" Atsushi asked suring quiet sobs.

"Because I've seen chuuya use this many times before and he always seems happier when using it. Follow me" and with that Akutagawa led the way into chuuyas office, and begain to search it.

"BOOM! Found it" He said holding the object in the air. Atsushis attention was turned towards the shaking of the door handle. Meaning someone was trying to get in. Quickly he shaved his drunk companion into the closet and followed him in with a loud slam as he shut the door.

As the footsteps approached. The two drunk idiots couldn't help but giggle like children. The person in the room obviously noticed them because they could hear the footsteps grow closer until the door slammed open.

"Is that a fucking bong?"

[Present time]

"Listen if your gonna bring your boyfriend around at least do it in your office!" The tiny man yelled.

"Yes sir" Akutagawa said, then lightly grabbed onto atushis sleeve to lead him to akutagawas office.


"What the hell" atsushi said. Putting a hand to his head, with an attempt to Sotheby's his growing headache. He quickly took in his surroundings. Obviously surprised to see himself and akutagawa awkwardly stuffed under akutagawas desk. How they got there? Nether of them knew. Am I going to inform you how? Definitely not. I'll leave it to the imagination✨️

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