○■♧ masquerade ball♧■○

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Atsushi: bodyguard
Akutagawa: assassin
Setting: masquerade ball
Akutagawa: black and red fancy mask. Form-fitting black suit and a corset.
Atsushi with a cat shaped mask (not covering his mouth) with a form-fitting black suit.

Let the story begin; the pov will be sort of jumbled up.

"Dazai-san, why do I have to be the only one out here?" Atsushi whined into the ear peace he was wearing.

"Because atsushi, you're the best fit for physical attacks if someone tries to attack our client head on." Dazai answer logistically.

"Then why can't kenji do it?" Atsushi retorted.

"Because he's a kid, now stop complaining and try to figure out who the assassin is in your free time."  Dazai said, and with a buz, he temporarily ended contact with the young tiger.

Atsushi, being board, decided to walk around the ball but was carefully enough not to stray too far from his client. He looked over the crowd of masked people, adoring the fancy dresses and masks they all had on. He looked around once more, only for his attention to be caught by a certain black and white haird man.

'Akutagawa!' He thought to himself. His gaze shifted from all the people in the room to only him. The tiger let his eyes admire the man for longer than he should have when atsushi noticed something he should have from the beginning. He turned to look towards the direction Akutagawa was heading when it all clicked.

'wait if Akutagawa is here and he's heading the way of my client. Than that means he must be the assassin!' Atsushi thought to himself. The orchestra started to play a slower song. And the lights started to dim. Atsushi had to think of something quick, but before he could his body moved on it own.

Atsushi rushed over to the mafia man and quickly wrapped his hand around the others hip and held the man's hand in his own and started swaying to the music.

" so Akutagawa, are you here to assassinate *****?" Atsushi asked quietly in the others ear.

"It's doesnt concern you. Now let go you fool!" Akutagawa said to the other. His struggle only prompted atsushi to hold on tighter to his waist.

"Well I'm sorry but I can't allow that." The tiger replied as he spun the other. They ended in a position where atsushi was behind Akutagawa hold the older man's hands infront of his stomach. The music in the room begain to speed up bit by bit.

"Jet let me do my job!" Akutagawa demanded as he was being spun around again. This time they where even closer chests being pushed against each others.

"Your asking me to purposefully fail?" Atsushi questioned as they both spun together this time. Akutagawa had by now decided to place his hand on the younger shoulder.
Both of the two obviously oblivious to how the lighting has changed in the room.

"So your the bodyguard?" Akutagawa questioned. Swaying in sinc with atsushi.

"Yes yes I am." Atsushi replied while trying to think of more things to say that could stall the mafia member longer. Akutagawa let out a tsk and the pair began to pick up the pace of their swaying and occasional spinning.

"Now might I say, that mask of yours really brings out your eyes." Atsushi said to the man in front of him. Akutagawas face started to heat up at the comment.

"You too" Akutagawa struggled to say.

A few minutes later, it's like they both forgot their jobs and what they where originally tasked to do. The two where only concerned with what was right in front of them *cough cough each other cough cough*

The two paid no mind form the look that they where receiving or even the fact that most couples moved off the dance floor and to the side to watch how the 'rivals' danced with one another. The light beamed down on the two, highlighting their best features. Akutagawa took in mind the thin black strip in atsushis hair, and how his honey violet eyes contrasted the rest of his monochrome outfit.

Atsushi admired the delicate waist the other had, and took this time to focus on akutagawas face. They way his eyes reminded him of the night sky, his skin so porcelain and perfect. The way his eyelashes where longer than usual.

'He's so beautiful' they both thought simultaneously. Despite being unable to see eachothers whole face.

As the music started to come to an end. The two also thought it best to bring their dancing to a stop. So with a final spin, atsushi tilted akutagawa into a dip at the end of the song.

Once the two came back to reality they noticed clapping and cheering from a crowd that had formed around them. The two looked at each other and their faces flushed in absolute embarrassment.

After everything died down and the ball resumed like normal, atsushi looked around for akutagawa, determined to talk. Once he reached his destination he noticed akutagawa off the the side drinking water.

"Hey akutagawa!" Atsushi said as he ran up to the emo.

"Damn jinko you distracted me and now my targets gone." Akutagawa said in an agitated tone.

"I was just doing my job. Also the dancing, that was fun we should do it again sometime!" The younger said enthusiastically before leaving akutagawa alone in his thoughts.

"Yeah" Akutagawa said in a hushed tone to himself.

Over at the bar:

"Wow they both remind me of a certain duo." Dazai said the the drunk redhead next to him.

"When did you get back?" Chuuya asked sluring his words

"I thought you left me all alone again."

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