•◇☆ phantom thief ☆◇•

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I stg my wrighting gets worse with every chapter

Akutagawas pov

"Damn it!" I shouted, chasing after the masked thief. It continued until we made it to the roof of the building when he suddenly stopped and turned to face me.

"Oh, how I longed to gaze into those beautiful eyes of yours once more, no amount of money, jewels, diamonds, or even stars can compare to such beauty." It was at this moment that I took the time to realize where he was standing. The 'phantom thief' was standing on the edge of the building, queens jewels (a rare one of a kind purple and yellow diamond) in one hand, and the other empty.

"You fool! Get away from there!" I yelled, trying to get to him as soon as I could.

"Must we say out goodbyes so soon?" He  said, adjusting the jewels in his hand and holding the other out to bow like a magician.

"Farwell, for now, my prince of the night."

"Prince of the what- HEY WAIT!!!" I shouted as the thief started to fall backward into the city. I ran over to the edge, expecting to see a dead body, but instead, I saw many doves flying where he was supposed to be falling.

[Thime skip brought to you by Gin attempting to date her superior (AKA higuchi)]

"Ugh, why is this so annoying!" I yelled, slamming my hand on the table. It's been a few days since yet another encounter between me and the thief. I've hit multiple dead ends in this case; it's frustrating as he'll.

"Hey, akutagawa, how bout' you take a break. Let's grab a drink."My support (I ment supervisor but bc yall think its funny) chuuya suggested.

"Sure, I guess. it might help get my mind off this damn thief." It was already pretty late in the night anyway. I grabbed my jacket and followed the head detective.

"So, where are we going?" I questioned the read head. I'm barely able to handle my alcohol, so I hope it's close to my home.

"The new place in town it is pretty flashy, so if you're uncomfortable, we can leave." He replied, stopping in front of a purple lit building. and inspected it thoroughly.

"Whatever." And with that, we entered the bar.

It was loud.

Very loud.

"What can I get you both?" A man started, his uniform being utterly revealing, and for some unshakable reason, he look familiar.

"What's the strongest you have?" Chuuya asked him.

"Spirytus vodka, are you sure you can handle it?" The waiter asked chuuya.

"Hell yeah!" He replied happily.

"And for you?" He turned to look at me. His eyes, there unique, purple, and yellow, I swear I've seen them before.

"An Americano Spritz will do just fine." I replied, I've never been able to tolerate alcohol.

"Mk, that'll be right up!" He waiter said cheerfully and went over to the bar.

[A few drinks later]

"I'll be back, sir," I said to a happy dead drunk chuuya almost passed out on the table.

As I made my way over to the bathroom, I could tell eyes where on me. But, my only concern is getting to the bathroom without vomiting; I am an absolute lightweight.

After using the restroom and washing my hands, I just looked at myself in the mirror.

"God, I'm a mess," I said to myself, splashing water on my face. Then, the lights went out. And I felt a hand creep its way onto my mouth.

"Mdhfjej" I tried to yell for help, but the hand only muffled and made it impossible to scream.

"Wow, Mr. detective who knew you'd be this, how do I say it, dumb?" THAT VOICE! I insanely tried to get free.

"Aw, why so mean?" The man said, getting closer, now pressing himself against my back.

"I only desire things that are beautiful, no?" He said in a wisper against my ear.

"Meaning you should have foreseen me going after you." He said way too close to my ear for comfort.

"Just kidding! I won't do anything without consent! " He said, releasing me from his grasp.

"Damn, you phantom thief," I said, huffing out.

"Aw, when you look at me like that, I don't think I can hold back!" He said cheerfully, causing my whole body to flush. I reached for the lights, but when I turned them on, the man was gone. I double-checked the bathroom and then walked back to my table, never speaking of this again.

"Ahdbhd what took you so longjjrhdu," a drunk chuuya slurred.

"No reason, let's go, you're crashing at my place, I presume?" I asked the redhead. Throwing one of his arms over my shoulder so I could help him out the door.

"Wait, wait!" The drunk commanded. I agreed and allowed him to do one last thing before we left. Chuuya turned to the brunette waiter covered in bandages, gave him a wink, and then turned back to be, ready to be taken home.

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