◇♧■ but like what if they went to the past? ■♧◇

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Atsushis pov:

All I really remember is a flash of light, then running around the pm headquarters like a mad man.

"AKUTAGAWA WHERE ARE YOU!?" I yelled while running through the labyrinth of walls. That was until I heard a crash, and deciding to run right towards it.

Once I arrive I saw akutagawa on the floor and someone with a familiar stature amming a gun at him about to shoot.

"Akutagawa!" I yelled jumping in front of the gun, resulting in me getting shot.

"Hey hey akutagawa are you ok!?" I asked frantically trying to search him for wounds. He, naturally backed away.

"Who are you!?" He yelled at me.

"Are you shitting me?!" I yelled. He just looked at me like wtf.

"Say akutagawa who's your friend here?" The gun man asked, I looked over at him only to be greeted with the most familiar face ever.

"Dazai-san what are you doing here?" I asked, lifting akutagawa up and attempting to help him stand straight.

"I could ask you the same-"

"JINKO WHERE THE HELL!-" I was met with the emo himself.

"Oh there you are!" Akutagawa said rushing over to me. Looking over to the small akutagawa I was confused.

"Hey um if your akutagawa then who's this? And why is dazai here? I thought he left the mafia." I asked.

"I'm akutagawa, get off me!" The smaller child said defensively, as he tried to push the me away.

"Say-" dazai began to speak.

"-what year do you think it is?" He asked us.

"Well obviously it's ****" I replied answered.

"Wow it seams we have a few rime travelers on out hands!" Dazai said cheerfully as he claimed his hands together.

"That does make sense for the two akutagawas then" I said to myself.

"Who are you then?" Small aku questioned me. YES I MIGHT BE ABLE TO GET HIM TO USE MY REAL NAME!!!

"I'm atsu-"

"He's jinko." Akutagawa interrupted.

"How could you!" I said with fake tears.

"Did you not want to say Atsushi Nakajima- akutagawa!" I said dramatically. Everyone in the room came to a full stop.

"What?" Dazai asked.

"Jinko what the hell!?"

"What does he mean?" Smoll aku questioned the larger one.

"So big brother finally found love." A small Gin said as she approached from the shadows.

"Hey Gin!" I said waving over to her.

"What's love?" Younger aku asked me.

'He doesn't know what love is?... that's so sad!' I thought to myself as I indulged younger akutagawa in a long needed hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes.

"You'll know when your older." I said to him. Eventually he stopped struggling to be free and just accepted my hug.

After letting him down I looked over to dazai and said. One. Simple. Thing.

"Stop being such a bitch to Akutagawa."

"What?" Dazai said. Looking at me with his 'I'm dead inside' expression.

"You heard me, plus grow some balls and stop fearing commitment! Maybe you and that short redhead would be married! He's been waiting on you!" I said more aggressively. I mean it is my best friend we are talking about. Dazai looked unaffected by anything I said. Well time for the big guns.

"Hush now dear, you can't die here. what will happen to our cat?" Akutagawa said trying to calm me down.

"He's just scared because he's the bottom and chuuyas the top." I said. Dazai looked so flustered and red honestly I thought he would explode.

But after that comment I grabbed my partners hand and ran away as fast as possible. I knew akutagawa couldn't keep up so I used my ability. And I was once again used as a horse.

[After they left the port]

"Hey jinko let's pay a visit to the orphanage." Akutagawa said as he began to walk in that direction.

Part 2? Lmao this one is very bad I'm so sorry 🤣😭

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