◇■○ Cats ○■◇

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Akutagawa pov

"Yes, boss, I have finished the mission successfully-" I said with a pause, then looked to the ground.

"- my return may be delayed a bit." I finished hanging up the phone. Carefully, I crouched down by the small feline that had started rubbing itself against me.

"Uhhh-." I was at an absolute loss of words. Carefully, I moved my hand towards it, not wanting to scare it away and held my hand out asking for permission before petting it.

It obliged and started rubbing its head against my hand. Okay, that's it. I'm adopting this cat now.

"May I?" I asked, implicating me picking it up. It didn't seem bothered, so I picked it up. Once it had been securely held by me, I began my walk.

[Time skip brought to you by rashomeow]

"Hey Gin! I found a cat! Can we keep it?" I yelled to my sister, who lives with me.

"What's its name?" She responded from her room.

"Uh-" I thought for a long, hard, minute, "-atsushi!" I replied.

"Sure, but you're gonna have to take care of it!" She yelled, not even leaving her room to see it.
'I wonder if I can take you to work?' I thought to myself quietly as I made a small bed on the floor out of spare blankets for the cat.
I changed out of my work clothes into a hoodie and pants, then went over to the bathroom to wash my face, etc. then went back to my room to sleep.

"Goodnight." I said to the cat cat lay on the floor.

[The next day]

"Hey bro, mori ordered a day off for us. I don't know why, but maybe it's because we work too hard." Gin stated from outside the door as I was getting dressed.

"Oh" was all I responded with.

"Maybe we should buy you something." I said, crouching down to the cat that had moved himself onto my bed for sleep.

I had to change once again into something less suspicious. I ended up in a random graphic tee shirt with a ripped fishnet undershirt and black jeans with ripped holes in the knees.

"Let's see, what should I hold you with?" I said, looking around my room.  Eventually settling on a brown messenger bag, I stuffed a blanket into it and carefully put atsushi inside.

"Should I walk or drive?" I said, looking down to the cat in my bag.

"Right, you need to be familiar with your surroundings in case of abductions!" I sad to myself yet again this time, picking up the cat and putting him on my head.

"Ok, let's go." I said, exiting the apartment and locking the door. 'I wonder where Gin went.' And I walked down the hall to the elevator.

"HOLD THE DOOR!!!" I heard someone yell. In which I did, but I could tell the loud sound startled atsushi. So, after the person rushed in, I took the cat from my head and cradled it in my arms.

"WHEN DID YOU GET A CAT!?" My superior yelled at me.

"I just adopted him, where you given the day off as well chuuya?" I asked him. And with that, we chated small talk while waiting for the first floor.

Eventually, we said out goodbyes, and I began out towards the pet store once again.

Strolling along the sidewalk, I had atsushi on my head once again, observing the stores we passed by. Before arriving at the pet store I saw a sweets shop. 'Eh why not' I thought to myself entering.

"Welcome," the waitress greetted, to which I replied with a slight nod. And sat at a table.

"Say, what should I order?" Looking down at the menu, I noticed something amazing. Fig desserts!

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