wing man >:)

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ou see, this is a fic where atsushi and akutagawa help Gin and higuchi get together. Now I'm in love with higuchi, so I'm going to try my best on this fan fic.

"Ok, so we both know they like each other."


"Bit they are shy."

"Also yes."

"So your first plan was to have us invite each of them individually to the carnival."


"And you're with higuchi why?"

"Because she is a fellow bi, and if she were to be around you, that where her focus would be"

"Makes sense. Let's do it."

And with that. The plan that higuchi would be asked as a friend to join atsushi to an arriving carnival, without the slightest idea that Gin and akutagawa would be there as well.

"Hey higuchi! And higuchis younger sister!" Atsushi said outside her apartment right now.

"Oh, are you the one taking sister out on a date?" Higuchis little sister asked (the manga nave gave her a name, I don't think.)

"Oh, sorry, we are just friends; her type is goths." Atsushi semi explained before he was yanked away by higuchi herself.

"The hell atsushi?" She asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't know, and I panicked!" He answered with not the whole truth.

"Anyway, let's head to this carnival!!!" Higuchi exclaimed.

[During their walk to the carnival.]

"So you've got a sister?" Atsushi asked, sparking a conversation.

"Yes, I do; she's absolutely amazing." Higuchi bragged.

"Wow, must be tough being a part of the mafia and still caring for your sister." The younger one sympathized.

"It gets a little tough at times, but I pull through just for her!!" Higuchi said, brightening the mood atsushi somewhat set.

"Hey, if you ever need a babysitter, I'm sure kyouka would love to have a new friend!" Atsushi offered brightly.

"Sure, I might just take you up on that offer. "

And before they knew it, both of them had arrived at the carnival. As they entered and walked passed the different vendors and games, atsushi made sure to take note of which ones peaked the girls interests. One in particular was a knife throwing game, the prize was a giant stuffed penguin.

"Oh! Surprise meeting you here!" Atsushi exclaimed approaching two dark haired sibblings

"Akutagawa senpai!?" higuchi blurted out, "AND GIN" said person started to blush at the mention of her name.

"hi" gin said quietly, moving to stand by higuchi.

"I-i hope we c-can have fun" gin stuttered out, as the two began to walk side by side. 

"ITS WORKING" atsushi whisper yelled at akutagawa

"Quiet you fool, they'll here us!" the older one hushed.

*time skip to after a few small rides because im lazy and cant think of anything*

the four sat down at a the small food area, and higuchi went withtagawa to get there chosen food. Atsushi could tell how nervous gin was, and offered her advise.

"hey, I saw her eyeing that giant penguin over there, think you can win it for her?" atsushi suggested, gesturing his hand in the direction of the knife throwing game. 

*timeskip to after food cuz what am i gonna do? wright an atsushi x chazuke fan fic? i think tf not*

"lets go over there." gin said point to the previously mentioned booth, and started to walk that direction grabbing higuchis hand in the prosses. Once they arrived, it seemed another person was playing. While waiting there turn, both parties seemed to notice how predictably rigged this game was, the knife's where extremely dull, and the target was made up of the same rubber used for truck tires. 

"how can i help you lovely lady's today" the scumbag that was running this operation said slyly. Gin new how to deal with these types of people, so without saying a word she just put her money one the table. 

"ah" the man said taking the money and reaching for the rigged knifes. 

"here you go, just give me a smile lil lady" the man said while keeping the knifes in his possession. this made higuchi mad

"hey you sack of shit, she payed give her the damn things already-" higuchi said furiously before she felt a hand hold her own for a few seconds, before it pulled away. Gin had a purse with her, and reached in to get a large balled up piece of fabric out and lay it one the table.

"ive got this." he said calm and confidently, unraveling the fabric to revile beautiful shiny and sharpened to the point, throwing knifes. 

"the hell?" the man questioned.

Gin picked up one knife, "there are no rules about bringing your own knifes." and with that she threw the first one. perfect shot right down the center, higuchi swears she saw the man piss him self. Gin picked up another and threw it, again a perfect shot. This continued until 6 where used up 'this was the limit to how many times someone could go' each had a perfect shot.

the scum running it was shaking in his boots, when gin turned to meet his gaze, she said nothing, just pointed to the giant penguin labeled 'grand prize'. the game host, obviously terrified, complied to her request, also fetching the knifes from the target. after receiving her winnings gin turned to higuchi.

"h-here" she said shyly, giving the giant stuffed animal to the blond.

"aw true love at its finest" atsushi said gazing at the two from up in the fairs wheel. 


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