Manga spoilers lol

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This is gonna be like and aftermath of the manga and stuff.

"Yo atsushi~" dazai said cheerfully, approaching his subordinate.

Though what got him off-guard, wasn't the cold bone chilling atmosphere suround the boy, not the dark jacket that lay flat one his body, or the dead expression is his eyes. It wa his response.

Without saying a word, atushi brushed right past dazai, and continued doing his work.
No matter how hard he tried to get the lads attention, he seemed stuck in a trans. Dazai thought he was just like that today. That was until kenji approached him. That's when he knew something was up.

"Hey" He begain, sound more sad that usual.

"Here the formula for the plant fertilizer, I really hope your idea goes well." He said with a hunt of sorrow. ' quite Odd for kenji' dazai admitted to himself.

"What does he mean by that?" Dazai asked, rolling his chair next to atsushis. Only to be met with absolute silence. Not a word, nor even a slight glance.

Once the day of work had come to an end. Dazai noticed atsushi walking in a different direction than his normal routine home. Having no sence of personal boundaries, obviously, he followed the lad.

After what seemed like 30 minutes he finally stopped. 'Why's the boy at on mafia territor?' He thought to himself. It had been so long sence he had visited this area, dazai just assumed the flowers grew naturally, not that someone had planted them. 'This veiw is absolutely breathtaking' He thought to himself. Lost in thoughts, before getting back on track.

"What's this?" He asked, as he approached the crouched down boy.

The lad, however didn't respond, and stayed silent.

Suddenly out of no where a figure appeared.

"What are you doing here gin?" Dazai asked curiously.

"Visiting of course" She then sat next to the crouched boy. This is when dazai decided to finally figure out what they both where visiting. It was a grave. Decorated with flowers. And on that stone, was the name carved out 'akutagawa ryunosuke'.

"Why didn't you come?" Atsushi asked, taking dazai by surprise, given that was the first word he heard the boy say to him all day.

"What" He just said puzzled.

"Why didn't you visit?" Atsushi asked again, this time his temper apparent in his voice.

"Well-" dazai started, only to be cut off.

"Don't make an excuse. He adored you. Looked up to you. Did everything you have ever asked of him. He would have even dies for you if you asked. Why didn't you come? Why did you send him out in the first place?" It got to the point atsushi just broke down crying. Letting out everything he had been keeping in.

No words left the seniors mouth, yet it just hung open and head hung low as he heard the sobs and crys of his subordinate. Unable to do anything to help or comfort him. Dazai knew. He knew this was all because of himself. The pain of this loss was because of him. His subordinates depressing state, because of him. It all happened like this, because of him.

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