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3rd person Pov:

"HE LOOKS SICK SOME ONE TAKE HIM TO THE NURSE!!" A green hair boy yelled. A girl with brown hair started to run up to the duo of shin soukoku and made them levitate (I cant spell flote ok). Atsushi slowly blinked, a ringing in his ears as he awoke to numerous loud voices.
Looking over to his right he noticed his partner still nocked out cold.

Atsushi's Pov:

'So akutagawa is still nocked out'"WAUT WHY AM I IN THE AIR!? CHUUYA I DONT KNOW WHAT I DID BUT IM SORRY!" I yelled out until I noticed that I wasn't outlined in red. ITS PINK! I looked down to see a brown hair girl doing some weird hand signs.

"OI EXTRA THE HELL ARE YOU!?! A VILLIAN OR SOMETHING!!" A loud blond yelled at me, suddenly I felt something stab me in the back. Followed by a faint cough. "Stupid jinko where the hell are we?" He questioned. And he had a coughing fit.

I looked down at myself and saw blood continuing to pour out of my wound. That last thing I heard as my vision started to fade was a green hair kid yelling "GET HIM TO RECOVERJFKDHXJDJ" all that I saw was black.

Time skip to in recovery girls office

I woke up in what looked like a hospital room. "Dr yasano?" I questioned as I sat up, only to be pulled back down by a cloth. 'Why is rashomon wrapped around me?' I followed the short trail of cloth over to see a sleeping akutagawa next to me.

"He refused to let you go" an unfamiliar voice spoke. I look over to see what looks like a homeless man. "Where am I? WHO ARE YOU?" questions started to pile up.

"My name is Aizawa, and you are at ua high school. Now who might you be?"

"My name is Nakajima Atsushi. I'm an 18 year old detective" I spoke.

"What's your quirk?" The hobo man questioned.

"Quirk?" I repeated dumbfounded.

"Basically its like a supper power, a special ability 80% of the population possess."

"Well my ability is beast beneath the moonlight, I can turn parts of me into a tiger" I said, quickly I looked around the room and felt a pair of eyes on me. And not the black ones of the hobo man.

"Show yourself your making me uncomfortable" I say a bit harshly. And as I thought, someone was there. A boy with green hair enters from behind the door holding a notebook. It looked as if he was scribbling stuff down in it.

"IM SO VERY SORRY FOR SPYING!" the green hair boy yells as he continues to bow over and over again.

"Hey its alright!" I say flustered.

"Your just so interesting I wanted to know more." The young boy said as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Ehem" aizawa directed my attention back to him.

"And what about your friend there, I would like to know his name and quirk, along with anything else about him. Problem child I will allow you to stay as long as you keep quiet." He said looking over to the green haird boy.

"This is my partner Akutagawa Ryūnosuke, his ability allows him to manipulate all cloth on his body. He is 20 years old and works with the Port Mafia."

"M-m-m-mafia?" The green hair boy questioned.


"Oh thats... reassuring, by the way I'm izuku midoriya but you can call me deku."

"Nice to meet you"

"Mr.Nakajima, we will discuss this more once your partner wakes up." Aizawa says as he makes his way to the door, dragging deku with him.

[Time skip brought to you by dabi's hair dye budget]

3rd person Pov:

"So you mean to tell me you both are from a different dimension?" Principle nezu questioned.

"Yes that is correct" Akutagawa answered

"So you have two choices retake highschool or do something to help Mr aizawa, what do you choose?"

"Well we never really took highschool" atsushi stated

"Why not? Parents are legallyrequiredto put there kids into school." Principle nezu questioned once again.

"Well you see we kinda-" "we are abused orphans that never had parents!" Akutagawa intrupted

"Oh I'm sorry to here that" nezu said with sorrow

"Don't be! My parents tossed me into a garbage can as a child. So I don't really want any, but back on topic I think it would be best to take highschool classes and learn, well better than leaving a mafioso and tiger to tech kids that is."


"I will not let the same thing that happened to Kyouka happen to highschoolers."

"OK then I will set up a dorm room for you both to share along with uniforms. Here is the dormitory you will he headed to along with the room number" nezu says as he hands the duo a peice of paper. And with that they left to the dorms.

The arrived at a big building.
"WOW THIS IS BIGGER THAN MY ENTIRE APARTMENT COMPLEX" atsushi exclaims as they enter. "Jinko when will you learn to SHUT THE HELL UP!" Akutagawa yells while activating rashomon.

"WHO the hell are you extras?" An entitled looking blond question.

"kacchan! We have to be nice!!" Deku says to him. Mean while evreybody was in a state of shock while closing us with questions.

"How old are you?"
"Aizawa never said anything about new students"
"What's you quirk?"
"What are your names?"
"Are you villains?"

"Calm yourselves fellow classmates, and give them time to explain." A guy with glasses instructed. Seeing as akutagawa wasn't in the mood for anything atsushi thought it best for him to respond.

"Hello I'm Atsushi this is my partner Akutagawa, I'm 18 he is 20, our abilities are beast beneath the moonlight and rashomon, the only villainous thing about us is that he is a mafioso. As of today we are your new classmatesuntil we find a way home" Atsushi responded calmly. Evreybody ended up telling the tired pair there names and quirks. After everything calmed down midoriya showed shin soukoku to there dorm.

"W-why are we SHARING A DORM?!" Atsushi questioned astonished.

"We don't really have spares since we never expected a new students please make due with this" deku says as he bows.

[The next day because I'm lazy]

The two young adults got dressed in the uniform. "Do you think they happen to have a skinnier blazer?" Akutagawa asked. He started to tug at the extremely loose blazer. (Bc yk akutagawa is a skinnie boi) But for atsushi it fit perfectly.

The pair make there way to the classroom, they get seated and atsushi starts to make small talk. It was all going smoothly until.

"CHUUYAAAAAAA LET ME FINISH MY SUICIDE!!!!" Akutagawa and atsushi immediately run over to the window to see where the sound came from. And sure enough there he was. Floating right outside the window, outlined in red.


cliff hangerrrr
I've been thinking of this crossover for a while now so yeah hope you enjoyed ill start on part 2 soon-GOD

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