•☆ Sleeping Beauty? ☆•

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This will contain manga spoilers but it won't be sad lol.

"So what are you saying? This is some fairytale shit?" Atsushi said shoving the ear piece in his ear.

"Well it worked with me and chuuya so why not you?" Dazai said smugly looking at him.

Previously dazai had mentions a plan to help little vampire akutagawa get back to human. And the plan absolutely baffled atsushi in the prosses.

"You do realize everything going on is your fault right? You sent him to help me!" Atsushi said harshly to dazai.

"Why of course I know what I did." Dazai responded with a grin.

"This better work or your dead!" He replied leaving the room.

"That's the dream"

[Time skippppp]

"Ok dazai I've got him in my sights. You sure this will work?" Atsushi questioned through the ear piece.

"Obviously when have my plans ever failed?" He said snickering.

"I don't know mabey when you decided to get us into this mess"

"Well..." He when silent.

"Anyway.  HEY AKUTAGAWA!!" the boy yelled to the mindless vampire.

"Ahdhdhsgsnvjk" it said? (Idfk lol)

Atsushi approached the vampire expecting to be killed but hey instead it just shot rashomon at him.

*insert epic fight seen here 😎*

Both breathing heavily. The fighting came to a pause as atushi was on top (not in a weird way lol)

"Just *le gasp* stay still this will be over in a flash" He said gasping for air before leaning forward to kiss his zombiefied partner. He then leaned away and just sat there hoping for the best.

"You fool *cough cough* I can't breathe *cough* get off!" Akutagawa said coming to his senses. Quickly the lad got off and help the other up.

"Guess I ow-" before he could finish atsushi leaped on him and caged him into a tight hug.

"Don't ever leave me again" He said tearing up.

"I.. wont?" The other said accepting the hug.

"Dazai it worked" atsushi said into the ear piece, still holding tight.

"I'll send someone over" dazai said sign8ng off.

[Time skip!]

"AKUTAGAWA MY BOY!" Chuuya said running to akutagawa to give him a hug too.

"I'm glad your ok" He said to the both of them.

"Hey you can let go now" Akutagawa said. Chuuya movies however atsushi stayed in place.

"I'm tired I don't feel-" and before he could finish Akutagawa fell limp.


"Don't worry he's just tired" chuuya interrupted.

"Oh ok" and with that atushi picked him up and carried him into the car. Once in the car he stayed right by akutagawas side with the man laying on him.

"You know you can buckle him in and sit up here right?" Chuuya offered motioning towards the front seat.

"I'm ok" atsushi said, giving a week smile.

"I'm glad your back" Atsushi whispered down to akutagawa before gently kissing his HUMONGOUS GIGANTIC BOULDER of a forhead 😊 
Before slowly drifting off into a sleep himself.

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