■♡Pride Festival♡■

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Here is the run down of what's going on. Atsushi and Akutagawa are i
n a secret relationship and are planning to go to the pride festival together. And when I mean no one, not even dazai has figured out there relationship.
Atsushi's outfit
He has a black tank top with a bi bride flag on it and black ripped jeans shorts. He also has a bi flower crown and cute sunglasses and a little face paint.

Akutagawa had a short sleeve ace pride crop top high wast black skinny jeans and rainbow circle glasses and a rainbow flower crown he also has Rashomon tied up around his wast a certain way so it won't drag.

Cat Sushi🥺❤🌈: so we are gonna meets at the café under the agency right?

Gay emo🌈💜: Yep sounds good. I'll see you there!

Swiftly Akutagawa put his phone in his pocket and attempts to leave unnoticed by his sister. But because the author needs content, luck was not on his side.

"Where do you think your going?" Gin asked.

"Just out." I replied with a pretty vague response. I had Rashomon on so she wouldn't be able to see my outfit.

"OK so I can text Higuchi to come over and do her job?" She questioned. 'Damn it she has me pinned!' I thought to myself.

"What so you think I'm to week to go out by myself?" I questioned irritated with how this situation escalated.

"Whatever just tell tiger boy I said hi" gin said as she waved me off.

"Wait wha-" was all I could get out before the door was slammed in my face. 'HOW THE FUC-' spotting higuchi I decided my best route to leave the building undetected. Jumping out a window.

I'm kinda blowing off an important meeting so I can be with jinko for this. They for some reason are having there meeting out side. My apartment is on the 10th floor in a building right next to the agency.

So half of the Port Mafia gets to watch a 20 year old jump out a window while screaming "BAMBOLEO FUCKERS!!!" Elise, Mori, The black lizard (except Gin cus she was at home) and half the staff that dont have important roles were in absolute shock to see the silent rabid dog act this way.

The feeling of wind and the overall sensation of jumping from a window was exhilarating. It felt free, almost like all of my worries were pushed away.

Atsushi's Pov

I was sitting down at the café under the agency when the last person I wanted to see aproched me.

"ATSUSHI-KUN!! I LOVE THE FIT! are you going to the pride festival? If so I can drive you!" Dazai started energetically

"Thans dazai-san but I'll have to pass, actually me and my boyfriend are going to be going together" I said blushing at the fact he caught me. a loud gasp was heard from the brunette. "How dare you not tell me your dating anyone?!" He asked me offensively.

Dazai instantly pulled out his phone and called evreybody at the agency right now, this includes Kyouka, kunikida, ranpo, and tanazaki. When they walked down to the café evreybody sat down in the corner to listen, (it had the most seats despite being a bit dark)

"Baby sushi has a boyfriend!"dazai announced to the members present. As if right on que guess who walked in, in FULL pride merch.

"Sushi roll sorry I'm late" Akutagawa said as he walked in, unaware of the others in the room. He came up to me wrapped me in a hug and gave me a small kiss on the tip my nose.

"It fine love, why were you late though?" I questioned, usually he would try his best to be early. "Well promise not to get upset?" He asked me with the cutest smile. WTF DID HE DO IF I HAVE YO PROMISE HIM THAT!

"Well you see, first gin stopped me, as I was leaving my apartment I saw higuchi there, so I jumped out the window while screaming bamboleo motherfuckers." He explained with a small chuckle at the end. It was such a beautiful sight I was totally in love.

The I snapped back into reality. Realizing one detail. Ada members, behind us, observing us. With the most horrified expression I could manage, I turn my head towards them all.

"I-i can explain?" I said, 'this isn't good, 'EVEN RANPO OPEND HIS EYES' . I feel a slight movement from my partner as he looks the direction I was facing.

"Welp it's been nice seeing all of you stupid, incomprehensible, jackass, whale looking motherfuckers, but we must be on our way now. See ya" and like that he graped my hand and took off running. As he were running I see a familiar red motorcycle, but decided not to question it.

Chuuya's Pov:

I was sitting around the front of the ada waiting on dazai when out of know were I see the emo child and the ADA's furry running out, fully decked out in pride merch. I NEARLY SPIT OUT MY WINE! Yes I do keep a water bottle full of wine with me. 'I'm just glad they didn't see me, though I never thought the furry would be bi, I had an idea about Akutagawa tho.'


Akutagawa's Pov:

When me and atsushi got there it was a pretty fun time, we were both having fun for around 3 hours when something (or someone) decided intervene

"Akutagawa-senpai?" I heard the most annoying voice know to man say.

Turning my head to face her with the most hatred and rage in my eyes. I looked down at her.

"What? And how tf did you find me?" I asked enraged that she of all people messed up a perfect moment.

"W-well-" she studded out.

"Speak properly or don't speak at all!" I shouted at her.

"I put a tracker on you because of when you were kidnapped, it would be easier to find you if it happened again. And someone called me when you jumped out a window."

My eye twitched.

"Why are you here?"

"Mori sent me to retrieve you for the meeting."

"Tell him I can't make it."

"Why is that?"

"Because me and my boyfriend have plans." I say while pulling atsushi out of the crowd.


1072 words.

A/n sorry this took forever I would work on it more but pride month would be over by the time I finished. Also what do yall think of addressing me as God?

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