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Ok so basically in akutagawas head if he is going to to fight atsushi and prove himself, atsushi needs to be at his full strength.

Akutagawa's Pov:

As I was walking along the streets a familiar figure came into sight. Apon closer inspection I fount it to be none other than the tiger boy atsushi. This is a perfect time to prove myself by fighting him, I thought to myself.

As I started approaching the boy I noticed something wrong. Getting closer I saw that jinkos breathing pattern seemed a bit off.

That's when it hit me. HES HAVEING A BLOODY PANIC ATTACK!! oh god what do I do. I rushed over to his side before he collapse, and he fell into my arms.

What do I do now. Mabey if I just... Slowly my arms made there way around atsushis back and enclosing him into a hug. God I hope this works. I thought to myself as I started to cradle atsushi in my arms.

Ok ok so let me assess the situation.
First atsushi is having a panic attack
Second we are int he middle of the day and people are just starting
Third I don't know what to do with him.
I guess I'll just bring him to the agency. I know the two organizations aren't on good terms but it's not like I'm attacking so whatever.

Covering the tiger boy with my coat I picked him up and started carrying him to the ADA. I hope I don't pass anyone from the Port mafia.

Keeping a steady pace we arrived at the ADA. Oh Jesus I'll just drop him and go. I said and started to look down at the sleeping males face. He looks quite beautiful asleep. WHAT NONONONO UGH.

Still holding onto jinko I started towards the café entrance. Opening the door I see ranpo and poe. There both giving me strange looks. I wouldn't blame them though.

As I passed I greeted them with a simple hello and made my way to the ADA's nurse room. When I got there I set the adorable tiger down and made my way to the mane office.

I opened the door and spoke "Jinko is now in the nurses room due to him having a slight panic attack." I stated quite bluntly. I may sound calm but I am 110% worried about him.

After confusing the ADA I went back over to the the room I originally set atsushi in. Taking the seat beside the bead I took this time to admire the sleeping boys features. His cute button nose, the way his hair delicately frames his face, his soft lips, and snow pale skin. He looked so... perfect.

I looked around and saw the sun had set and it had grown to be late. Standing up to leave my shirt its pulled back by a small force. Looking in the direction of which it came from I see Atsushi with small tears in the corners over his eyes.

"Don't leave please" he mutterd. "Fine" I reluctantly replied to his request.

Feeling tired I decided to lay next to him. It was easier than sleeping in a chair. Suddenly I felt a weight on my chest. I looked down to see that the tiger had attached himself to me. Well I can't move now so might as well deal with it. I thought to myself as I started to drift of into a deap slumber next to my atsushi.

[Few hours later]

I awoke immediately after hearing a loud cry. Quickly I glanced over to see atsushi's once again uneven breathing, with tears streaming down his face.

"Are you ok?" I said sounding more concerned then usual. The smaller boy just simply nodded his head while tightening his grip. At this point it was less of a huge and more of a death trap.

Nonetheless I stayed still, and allowed myself to soothe the tiger. His breathing eventually calmed and soft breaths were heard.

Being sure he was asleep I hastily set a small kiss apon his forehead before allowing myself to drift back to sleep.


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