¤☆if they where in school☆¤

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Okay, so in this story, shin soukoku will both be around the age of 16, 17, and in high school. But like it's the first day for atsushi cuz ya know, just begain to legally live in Yokohama and stuff. And akutagawa goes to school for um plot reasons? Also, the school is outside of Yokohama, so no one knows the identity of the Ada and Port Mafia

Atsushis pov:

"Dazai, do I really need to go to school?" I pleaded to the older man.

"Well, considering the president is paying for this out of his pocket, I'd say yeah, you don't have a choice." He responded. We were currently walking to my school.

"Ugh, why did it have to be today?" I dragged out. You see, I'm running off 1 hour of sleep half a bowl or rice and a sip of tea. Akutagawa decided to fight me for whatever reason. Again.

"Oh yeah!! I made your lunch, you'll find a particular item in there useful for school!" He said, handing me a neatly wrapped lunchbox. Okay, I'm just not going to ask, for God's sake, it's dazai. For all I know, he probably rigged it with a glitter bomb.

"Thanks."" I said hesitantly, taking the package.

"Well, we are here. Have fun!" Dazai said, pushing me towards the entrance. And basically running away.

"Oh wow," I said sarcastically.

[Time skip to the beginning of class.]

"Ok,"I whispered to myself, getting out my supplies to get ready for notes -

"Mr akutagawa, you're late. Again." The teachers said to the student that just entered the classroom.

"Ah!" I yelled out in surprise. akutagawa looked a mess! Papers and books in his hands and uniform messy. The sound from me made him look my direction immediately. But before he could utter a word,

"Oh, hey, seamstress!" A random kid yelled.

"My pe clothes have a hole you'd be more than happy to fix them, right?" Another kid said. There were a few more comments as akutagawa made his way to his seat.

Do they not realize he could kill them in a second? Probably Faster. Why are they calling him a seamstress anyway? I thought to myself, soon paying more attention to the teacher than my thoughts.

[Lunch time cuz I don't pay enough attention in class to know what they are supposed to learn - all honors student]

I was sitting alone, ya know as I should, terrified to open the lunch dazai packed. What would it be this time? Snakes? Bugs? Whatever it is, I'll need to face it soon, I'm hungry.

I opened the package and-


Bruh, it's just a normal lunch, plus a fig for some reason. Then yet another familiar laugh was heard, along with the scattering of papers.

"Hey, who even is this chick? Honestly, why would someone as beautiful as her agree to be your model?" I heard the same thing from earlier. At this point, I was done. I didn't get any sleep, and I'm fuckin hungry.

Carefully, I walked up to the table and picked up one of the photos that was thrown onto the ground.

"Oh you mean gin?" I asked the bully.

"You fool!" Akutagawa yelled at me. I guess he didn't want people to know her name.

"Oh, shut it, Diablo." I said, facing the man, then turned back to the bully.

"I don't see the reason as to why you would want to know. I mean, she would never date a pig like you." I said with hostility in my voice. Of course, the guy got offended by my remarks and started with an attack towards me.

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