~▪︎♤coffee shop♤▪︎~

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Akutagawa's Pov

I started at the blond underling as she stuttered out a short sentence.

"A-A-Akutagawa-senpai, ar-are you f-f-f-free after w-wo-work?" 'OH MY FUCKIN GOD HIGUCHI LEARN HOW TO SPEAK YOU KNOW WHAT IM DONT BEING NICE' I internally yelled.

"Jinko get my a speaker!-"

Now before yall ask  why is he working in a coffee shop?well you see, I kinda started a fight with jinko at the Cafe under the ada, and instead of allowing my to pay off the repairs, the ada And Port are making me and jinko work off out debt.

It's been a hard task, I was never taught thw social skills of a server so that made it even more of a difficult task. Every now and then some guy gal non binary pal would try to hit on me but I would brush them off with a fake smile. Without fail though, higuchi would show up every day no matter how many times I rejected her. FOR GODS SAKES I EVEN DID THE WRIST FLIP 17 TIMES!! DAZAI EVEN SAW ME DO IT!! HE NEVER PAYS ATTENTION TO ME!!

Anyway back on topic 🤪

"Jinko pass me the speaker!" I commanded. Today has been an especially hard day, I had to many missions and have encountered to may Karen's complaining, higuchi's date invites where the last straw.

"Say please!" He attempted to make himself seem superior as he reached for the speaker.

"Be a good obedient dog and hand it here! Dogs who don't listen get sent to the pound and slaughtered!" I said. Just radiating with pissed off energy.

His expression dropped and the fear in his eyes was apparent. I used this moment to my advantage and snatched his wrist, took the speaker from his other hand, and connected my phone. Still not letting go of jinko's wrist.

"Higuchi I have an answer for you." I said looking back up at her.

"R-r-really!?" She said sounding happy. What a shame 🤣💅. And just at that moment my music started blasting.

BITCH IM GAY!" this specific song choice not only put her in a state of shock, but jinko and every body else in the café aswell. I used that moment to my advantage and pulled jinko into a kiss. And not just a short little peck either.

Jinko was stunned for a second but soon though of it as a competition and kissed back. This confused me for a second before it turnedinto a competition for dominance over the other . His serious purple eyes, me with my grey ones.He was actually winning and was about to. That's when the worst happened.

"Akutagawa your time here is done-"

"Please turn down the music we need to work upstairs-"

Both fukuzawa and mori said simultaneously. 'Ah shit' I thought to myself and ended the kiss, leaving us both unsatisfied with a loss of breath. I pulled jinko by his tie and whispered in his ear.

"We'll finish this later."

"You bet we will" he said rather harshly, and pulled me by my coats collar. He then proceeded to lick my neck, sending chills down my back and blush to my face.

"Hey get a room!" Someone yelled. Making atushi turn red. And with that I left the shop, leaving a stone cold higuch, and a flustered jinko behind. 

Right before the door close I yelled to the blond girl "BTW HUN YOVE BEEN TRYING TO DATE THE WRONG AKUTAGAWA THIS WHOLE TIME!!! MY SISTER AND I ARE BOTH FRUTIY!!!" Hey can you blame me? A girl like her would be great for my sister. And she is able to protect her, something I can't do forever. I really hope she gets the hint tho.

"Wow akutagawa never new you where quite the kisser." Chuuya said sarcastically, making my face flush. Apparently he accompanied mori here, but didn't want to see dazai so he stayed outside to wait, but still was looking through thw window in case of emergency.

"It wasn't all me, jinko did it aswell." I said with an attempt to hide my embarrassment from my superior.

Sorry this chapter is so short, I've had writers block lmao. Please give me suggestions 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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