•■Suprise Inspection■•

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Ok let me give you the run down. Due to the fact that akutagawa's English VA and monokumas are the same person. I can't get over the idea of an au where akutagawa cosplays monokuma. Atsushi cosplays with him aswell, and usually after visiting a convention they would have a sleep over at the others house. Kyouka and Gin are aware of this too. (ALSO I apologize for not making a part 2 to the crossover event lmao I don't have any motivation or ideas😅)

Akutagawa's Pov:

'What's taking that tiger so damn long' I thought to myself. Today we decided to go to anime con together (he finally saved up enough money) and I decided to get him a present. Part of him having to save money means he couldn't by himself anything other than the necessities. 'This is taking to long' with that thought I got out of my car and strutted over to his door (ok akutagawa I see you 👀)

"Jinko hurry up or I'm leaving you behind!" I slightly yelled as I started knocking on his door. I heard a slight muffled voiced followed by the door opening. I looked down to see Kyouka.

"Hell be out in a minute, he can't find his contacts" I look behind her to see jinko frantically searching for hid contacts in a kokichi oma cosplay.

"You can go as Fanon kokichi you know? Ge has purple and yellow eyes." I yelled over to him

"Well I guess you right!" He started walking towards me, "Bye Kyouka keep the house safe, you know you can go out with yasano so someone right?"

"I'll be here when you get back" was the only response she gave.

"Hey how are you so much taller than me?" Jinko asked. I just simply pointed to my demonias. He's been saving up for a pair for a while now, but as soon as he heard anime con was coming up he moved all his savings towards that.

As soon as we reached my car I let him get in first as I went to the back seat to get something. After grabbing the item I swiftly make my way to the driver seat and hand a neatly wrapped package over to jinko.

"What's this for?" He questioned a little suspicious. Me on the other hand refused to look his way, I was to embarrassed.

"Just open it!" I hastily shouted at him as I started driving. 'God this is so humiliating just kill meeeeee!'

"WOW!! REALLY FOR ME?!" I looked over to see an astonished face on the tiger. Yes I had bought him a pair of demonias.

"If you don't like them I'll take them back" I said, it's still embarrassing.

"NO WAY!!" He shouted, clutching tightly onto the box.

"Well if you want to put them on, you can when I stop to get snacks. What would you like?" I questioned as we pulled into a small convenience store.

"A blue monster and a pack of lollipops please." He said while opening his door to provide more space to put on his shoes.

"Ok I'll be back." I say getting out of the car and moving towards the store. One of the things I like about cosplay it that I can go into places without people calling the police on me. I don't really mind if people stare, I've been stared at my while life so what would it bother me now?

[Time skip to after the conversation (im so sorry but I honestlycan't think of anything to put for the conventio. If you have any idea please let me know.)]

Atsushi's Pov:

"Oh yeah I kinda forgot to take tomorrow off aswell, so when you wake up I might not be here. You can stay and play danganronpa, or do something while waiting on me to return though." I said, smiling sheepishly.

"It's fine, I made the mistake ok booking to much time off. I really think chuuya purposefully changed my time of because I "work to much"" he said sarcastically.

I was currently in the bathroom taking of my wig and cosplaying stuff. 'I'm gonna have to clean this mess later' I thought to myself as I look at my apartment. Akutagawa had already changed out of his cosplay and folded it neatly by his bag. I on the other hand have mind draped across everything.

"Anyway imma head off to bed" I announced to Akutagawa. Taking pictures with people really wore me out.

"Mk good night, I'll be their in a bit" he said slumped over the couch. 'I guess he tired too' and with that I went off to bed.

[In da morning]

'Ok I left a note, I have some left over tea on rice in the fridge and he is allowed to help himself. I also have a few monsters in case he's board of drink water.' And with that note I left my apartment.

[At the ada]

"Hey dazai?" I asked,


"Why is kunikida not here?" I questioned, usually he's always here on time.

"Well you see atsushi, the president put kunikida in charge of doing home inspections!" Dazai replied casually.


"Yes atsushi, did you not read the apartment contract for the ADA?"

"Shit" I cursed under my breath. Dazai on the other hand pulled out his phone, and put it on speaker. 'What is he-'

"Oh dazai, I'm about to inspect atsushis apartment. Can he hear me?"
This cause a massive panic. Tanazaki, Kenji, and ranpo gather around. (The others where having a girl's day) I heard my door open over the phone and in fludded the questions.

"Who's shoes are these?" 'Shit I forgot to hide my demonias'

"And why are their 3 sets of shoes?"
Oh god I'm done for. Suddenly a muffled voice could be heard over the phone.

"Who and why are you hear?"

Akutagawa's Pov:

I had just woken up when I heard the door open, and a man's voice speak. Definitely wasn't atsushi's so I decided to go check it out. I was still sleepy so I couldn't figure out what the guy was saying.

I walked my self over the kitchen and looked at the man. "Who and why are you here?" I questioned.

"Escuse me sir but this is private property of the armed detective agency, your not allowed to be here!" He replied rather harshly. 'Does he not realize who I am?' I looked over the counter to see the note atsushi left this morning, I then looked over to the man and realized he was holding a phone on call.

"Yo Jinko, what monsters where mine? I know you liked the blue ones. Where there any others you didn't want me to have?" I say loud enough for the people I assumed that where on the other end could hear, as I looked into the fridge.

Suddenly kunikida put his phone on speaker. "Your not allowed to have any of the blue, or purple ones!" Jinko replied. I heard a few mutters from the man then a wave of shock crossed his face.


"Bingo! bullseye! right on the money!" I say, making a genocider syo reference. I slight chuckle was heard from the phone.

"Oh yeah, Hey Jinko?"


"You know that photographer dude that asked for out picture?"

"Which one there where like twenty"

"So apparently the guy with the purple shirt was the official for the con. And made our picture the cover of it."

"Cover of what?" Kunikida and other voices from the phone asked. That's when he finally took the time to look at his surroundings. Of course jinko sloppily layer all his cosplay stuff all around the apartment.

"Wait atsushi, you cosplay?" He asked

"Right again, wow your on a role today" I replied sarcastically.

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask who should we go as for the next convention?" I yelled over to the phone, completely disregarding the situation. I mean technically I wasn't doing anything hostile so kunikida can't do anything to me.

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