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Akutagawa's Pov:

Getting a call from Mori is a bittersweet moment. The sweet part is I have a job and most of the time it allows me to release stress by killing people. Bitter because Mori is really creepy and sometimes gives me annoying assignments.

Well here goes nothing. I thought as I opened the big doors. "Hello Akutagawa!" Mori said. "Hello sir" I responded in my usual emotionless tone. "I have a very important assignment for you. YOU need to entertain Elise-chan for the entire day!" Mori said with a hint of enthusiasm. NO WAY IN FUCKIN HELL! I thought to myself. "Yes sir." Like it or not he is the boss and I have to do what he says.

"LETS GOOOOOO!!!" Elise said, excited for some reason.

[Time skip to Elises play room]

"Mr Akutagawa Let's go shopping!!" Elise said. "If that's what you want" I responded reluctantly. As I started to head for the door I was stopped by something. Looking down I see Elise grabbing ahold of my jacket. What do you mean let's go. No way in hell am I letting you out wearing that! It's no even CUTE!!" she yelled.

"OK then what do you suggest I wear Miss.Elise?" I questioned. Even though I know I'm gonna regret this I am quite interested in what she expects me to wear. "Give me a sec" Elise says enthusiastically.

[Like 15 minutes later]

"Here you go!!" Elise yells while handing me clothes and shoving me into a closet to change.

(^this outfit lol

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(^this outfit lol

Not bad. I thought to myself as I walked out the closet. "Miss.Elise I'm done" I said "EEKKKKKK!!!!" She shrieked. "You look amazing Mr. Akutagawa! Now let's go SHOPPING!!"
Oh yeah I forgot she wanted to go shopping. I hope I don't run into dazai or someone like that. "Wait Miss.Elise do you think we can bring Chuuya along with us?" It would be best if I had someone with me so I can manage to keep my cool. "I bet he would look very pretty in an outfit you pick out for him. He might even let you do his hair!" I say trying to persuade her.

"Hmmmmmm... SURE I WOULD LOVE TO DO MR. CHUUYA'S HAIR!!" Elise shouted as she grabbed an outfit, my hand, and started running. GOD I MIGHT FALL IF THIS KEEPS UP.  And just like that we were at chuuya's office door.

"Sir" I said as I knocked on the door.
"Come in" he said. As soon as I opened the door Elise pounced onto chuuya throwing and outfit to him and doing his hair.

^chuuya's outfit

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^chuuya's outfit

[Time skip to Yokohama shopping center]

"YAY SHOPPING!!!" Elise yelled. By doing so she also happend to grab some unwanted attention. Soon enough whispers started, not directed at chuuya, but at me. I heard small whispers like " Why is he wearing all of that" and "man I would like to tap that, no homo though" "ugh so annoying" scoffed.

While walking around we decided to take turns shopping with Elise so one of us could get a break.

It was chuuyas turn when Elise decided to go into a clothing store. Which ment I could have a break. So I was just on my phone cus why not. Scrolling through random social media posts I happen to stumble apon jinkos. So I started scrolling through his account until I was interrupted.

I heard a weird cat call whistle followed by someone saying "Hey Pretty boy wanna come with me!" A tallish old man asked while approaching me. "Ew no way" I scoffed with venom in my voice. Turning away I went back to going threw Jinkos social media posts.

Then I felt something on my lower back. When I turned my head I saw the most indecent thing. THIS BITCH IS GRABBING MY ASS! Turning my belt into Rashomon I was this close to killing him, when something came hurling towards him and knocking him down.

When the thing that pounced on the old guy got up, I noticed it was the one thing I didn't want to see me right now. Embarrassed I put my mask on (a/n THEY HAVE MASKS CUS CORONA VIRUS BITCH) and clipped my hair back so you couldn't see the white.

"Are you ok Mr. I apologize about that you just seemed uncomfortable and I thought I should help" atsushi said smiling, with the slightest blush on his face. How do I hide my voice, I panicked internally. That's when it hit me.

*I'm fine thank you* I said in sign. "OH I don't speak sign sorry" atsushi said with a sheepish smile. I gave him a fake smile under my mask as he waved and started to walk away over to dazai who seemed to be waiting on him. Oh thank God I'm safe. At least I thought that was until Elise and chuuya came out of the shop. "MR.AKUTAGAWA LOOK AT WHAT ME AND CHUUYA GOT!!!" Elise practically screamed. Oh shit well I'm screwed.

I looked back and saw atsushi turn around at the mention of my name. Not only that but it seemed he was attempting to locate where the sound came from. "If we stay low we can get away" I mutterd with the slightest bit of hope.

"CHUUYAAAAAA!!!!" POOF! all of that hope I had is now gone. When I heard this tone of voice used with this word I can only mean one this. Dazai. Like not even 5 seconds later he was hugging chuuya. "YOU DAMN WASTE OF BANDAGES GET OFF ME!" Chuuya shouted in the brunettes ear. "BUT YOU LOOK SO CUTE~~"

Not long after Atsushi appeared and started his attempt to pry the brunette of the redhead. Then he turned his head and looked at me. I don't think he recognized me. "HEY HEY HEY WHY DO YOU HAVE HAIR CLIPS IN! IT DOESN'T GO WITH THE OUTFIT I CHOSE! TAKE THEM OUT NOW!!" Elise demanded.

Well I'm no doubt gonna be embarrassed. Whatever I cant particularly go against Elises demand. For all I know she might tell mori and I could be killed. So I just went along with it and removed my hair clips. Believe me when I say the shock on atsushi's face was priceless...it was.

"A-A-Akutagawa!" The tiger said still in shock. "Yes" I responded taking off my mask. That's when I took note of the slight blush that tinted atsushi face. Kinda cute, I thought to myself. "CANDY! CANDY!" Elise yelled as she grabbed my hand. "Your turn to take me Mr Akutagawa." I hate be touched.

"Hey mind if I tag along? I kinda have to get Ranpo some snacks and I don't think Dazai is going to let go any time soon." Atsushi said pointing behind him to the Dazai that had attached himself completely to Chuuya. "I also get lost easily so that's why I can't go alone." Atsushi said rubbing the back of his neck slightly embarrassed.

"SURE!!!! You should hold onto akutagawa's hand so you don't get separated." After hearing this, I could tell this wasn't a suggestion from Elise. It was a demand. And because of this I ended up extending my hand to the slightly flustered boy.

I could tell he was hesitant to accept it but none the less did so. This is when I took note of his choice of clothing.
It was an oversized beige cardigan, a white turtle neck long sleeved shirt, grunge style pants, and dirty navy blue convers. "Cute" I mutterd to myself.

"WHAT?" atsushi said, astonishment visible in his voice. "Shit" quickly I turned and started to speed up my pace, as did Elise. I forgot about his ability, I didn't know he had some cat like ability's when not activated, such as his sharp hearing, and most likely smell, sight, etc. OH FUCK MIGHT AS WELL CALL ME OBSESSED!!

Soon enough just like it had happend to atsushi, blush found its way on my face as well. Guess he is kinda cute.


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