Milestone Celebration!!

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It's been a few weeks now, and I've tallied all the votes for the milestone celebration. And the winner is...two of them! There was a tie between a Q&A with Everest and you guys giving me prompts to write drabbles with, and I can't say I'm mad about it. These two are two of my favorite options and I'm so glad that you guys like them too. 

That being said, a Q&A needs questions and I need prompts to write drabbles, so go comment any questions you may have for Everest and any prompts you'd like me to write a drabble with! There is no limit to how many of either one you can comment, and you can comment both, so comment as many as you'd like!

I will likely post the Q&A part between Seasons One and Two, though I may not post it until Season Two has started—I haven't decided yet—, so you have plenty of time to comment questions. Depending on how many prompts I get, the drabbles may go between seasons or they may go at the end of the story, I'm not entirely sure yet, but they will be included in the story at some point.

One last thing before I go back to writing and editing the next part of Distractions. You guys are always more than welcome to make fanart/aesthetics for my story and send them to me! It makes me really happy when I see that someone loves my story enough to make fanart/aesthetics for it. For example, my friend @ink_and_fables_4_u offered to draw Everest (and maybe other characters, I don't remember exactly what they said) and I genuinely squealed and jumped around happily for a long time. So please don't be afraid to make fanart or aesthetics for Distractions and send them to me, it really does make me happy!

That's it for now, I hope you all have a wonderful day/night and if it isn't going so well, I hope it gets better! Stay safe, drink some water, eat some food, and get some sleep if you haven't, and I'll see you in the next chapter of Distractions—it's a fun one.


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