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This is the part where Everest will answer all your questions. And oh is the way she answers these questions fun. Here we go! Oh, and this part and all the others posted today are in honor of my friend's birthday!

What are Everest's favorite tv shows/movies? Or, alternatively, her favorite characters? (@-JGRSHNY)

Favorite shows? Uhh...I watch the same five or so shows on repeat. Great British Bake Off, Nadia's Time To Eat, Loki, Supernatural, and Octonauts. For movies, most Marvel movies, Harry Potter (but fuck JKR), and Nightmare Before Christmas are on in the background a lot. 

For characters (we'll stick with tv/movie characters because there's a lot of book characters), morally grey characters always, Natasha Romanoff, Loki, Frigga, Peter Parker, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, Luna Lovegood, the Weasleys in general but specifically the twins, the Winchester brothers, and Zero (from Nightmare Before Christmas) are the first ones that come to mind.

Are Everest and Clary actually related? (@vainalocabebe)

Well, unless it's possible to be born from the same mother and father and share DNA but not be related to the person you shared a womb with for nine months, yes. Ritz and I are related.

What got her into writing? (@e83_xx)

I was bored in class one day and came up with a cool idea for a story and stopped paying attention to class so I could write it. We'll ignore how I got detention (in elementary school which I didn't think was possible), but I kinda just didn't stop writing after that.

Where is the worst place to get stuck? (@SpeckyGal)

On a giant ship with a psychopathic murderer of a father and his army, for sure. /hj 

But for real, I'd probably say being stuck alone in an unknown place with no way to communicate or get help would be the worst.

Do you have a relationship that reminds you of a song? If so, which song? (@SpeckyGal)

I'm sure you were expecting me to answer with a romantic relationship I've had before, but I'm actually going to say me and Gino's friendship. It kind of reminds me of 'Those Nights' by Skillet (it's his ringtone too).

If you were a pair of shoes, what kind would you be? (@ink_and_fables_4_u)

A pair of flip flops. Cute and simple, yet able to be dressed up. They work in most situations and they're super comfortable too.

What is the craziest thing you've ever done? (@ink_and_fables_4_u)

Besides literally any stupid idea that I've ever done since finding out about the ShadowWorld, probably the time I was dared to break out of the school and so I climbed up into the vents and crawled through them until my Mom, Luke, Brad, and Jay were called and made me get down. That was fun.

If you could make a rule for a day and everyone had to follow it, what would it be? ( @ink_and_fables_4_u)

Leave my coffee and food alone. That's it, all I want. People need to leave my coffee and food alone. *Pointed look at Jace*

Jace: Hey! I don't take your food! If anything, I give you food to eat because you only eat sugar and muffins.

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