8.3K??? (And Sneak Peaks at Next Chapter)

4.2K 87 11

So it's recently come to my attention (literally five minutes before I started writing this) that this story has reached 8.3 THOUSAND reads. Thank you so much for all the love and support you have shown both me  and this story since it has been posted, it really does mean the world to me. 

That being said, I want to do something special to celebrate this because it's the largest number of reads or comments (there's 69 at the moment) I've ever gotten on any story I've ever posted. Please comment or message me to let me know which one(s) you would like to happen.

So, I present to you a few options on what can be done to celebrate this:

1. Q&A with Everest and maybe a few other characters

You guys ask Everest some questions and if other characters are included in the answer they'll pop in to answer too.

2. You guys give me prompts and I'll write a short story/drabble with it

It could have specific characters in it that you want me to include, a theme, just a general prompt, anything really. I might combine a few prompts if I think they'd work better together, but for the most part I'd just write them as they are.

3. Q&A with me

You guys ask me questions and I'll answer so long as I'm comfortable with answering.

4. Writing contest

You guys would write a short story/fic/drabble either for Shadowhunters in general or for Distractions and I'll pick a 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winner.

5. Art contest

You guys would draw fanart or make aesthetics or something like that for the characters. Again, could either be for SH in general or Distractions. Wouldn't give tiered places, but would instead just post my top five in one part and then include the rest in another part or something like that.

It could also be a combination of a few or all of them! It doesn't have to be limited to just one. You guys are also always welcome to send in fanart of my characters or comment/message theories or what you'd like to see happen next! It makes me so happy and really cheers me up if I've had a bad day. 

By the way, this isn't your chapter for the week. You still get a real chapter and based on I have written so far, it's going to be chaotic. For example (and to get you guys excited for the next chapter), these are a few excerpts from what I've already written. (These aren't from the same part of the chapter, hence the separation ellipses, but they convey the chaos of the next chapter pretty well I think.)

His face flickered and Everest frowned. Faces weren't supposed to do that.


Everest's thoughts all shifted from mostly coherent thoughts to incoherent screams that were usually reserved for when characters did stupid things or something really cute. Luckily, Everest had long since perfected the "I'm reading the school assigned book, not screaming at fanfiction in my head" face.


Everest made a noise of agreement as she dug in her backpack. Izzy pulled her elbow, just barely managing to stop the purple haired girl from falling over the railing.

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