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Ya'll, this is Chapter 15 of the game and its so boring. Like I tried my best to make it interesting, but its hard when its mainly walking in a linear area with mostly fighting a a little bit of cutscenes. Plz forgive me

Also, fellow southerners, plz stay safe and warm lmao


Once Y/n got her bearings after speeding upwards to an unstable platform, she took a look around. There were still people, crying over at a giant pile of broken concrete and metal. Y/n shivered, catching a glimpse of a torso underneath the rubble. 

Barret broke the other three out of their trance, stating that they had two goals. "One, kick some Shinra ass and save the planet! Goal two, save the girl- while kicking more Shrina ass- and get out!"

That seemed to put everyone in higher spirits than when they landed. Leave it to Barret to state the obvious in a inspirational way. "Copy," said Cloud. He released his grip on Y/n's waist and begun moving forward. It took the said girl a minute to realize that he had been holding onto her this whole time.

As Barret and Cloud walked ahead, Tifa looped her arm around Y/n's. She probably saw Y/n's face of realization. "You two should probably talk," she giggled.

Face hot, Y/n agreed. She knew they had to at some point. She decided the next chance she gets, she'll pull him aside. 

As they continued walking through the collapsed plate of sector 7,   Barret warned them to be careful. "No tellin' what is going to collapse and when." 

Walking through was like a bad dream. She wondered how the others felt, seeing how Y/n  felt bad not ever having been to the sector in person other than when the plate was about to fall. She heard a kid ask his mother where his dad went, people asking each other if they were hurt, and so on. The ground shook as large metal scaffolding fell, crushing whatever was left of an already broken building.

Although shaken, they continued on. 

They reached a dead end, a man apart of the neighborhood watch stood there. "You guys should really turn back. "

Tifa shook her head. ":A friend of ours needs help." 

The man shook his head. "It's too dangerous." 

"For you, maybe," Cloud interjected. Damn, bro. Don't gotta call him out like that. 

Ignoring the man, Cloud crawled under the fallen structure blocking their path, everyone following after. The man yelled at them to be careful, Y/n giving him an awkward smile. The higher they got, the more monsters they encountered. Y/n felt weary about fighting them, seeing as she was super high up on an unstable platform that could give away at any moment. But, alas, she didn't want to be dead weight, so she sucked it up and did her best.

When they got a bit higher up, Tifa asked if that was the building that they were supposed to climb. Y/n looked up to see an unstable tower, leaning on some scaffolding. Y/n could've just dropped dead then and there. Barret didn't help Y/n's fears. 

"If it comes apart while we're up there..." 

"We've made it though worse, you know," Cloud said, continuing to move on.

"Yeah, no kidding. It's a miracle we have been killed over a dozen times over by now."

The four found themselves at a dead end, and came to the conclusion that they'd have to use the grappling guns again. "Don't screw up and fall," Barret stated the obvious. Y/n gave him a deadpanned look. "Uh, sorry 'bout that, Y/n."

Cloud grabbed onto Y/n again, giving no warning, and shot his grapple. Y/n didn't even have time to scream before they landed on the other side, unscathed. Y/n stared at Cloud with a "what the fuck" look. 

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