CHAPTER 20: A Favor for Later

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Combat scene it is ;)


In order for the informant guy to give them access to the upper levels, he wanted to see what Cloud and Y/n could do in the combat sim. Luckily, they were heading there anyway.

The informant said that the combat sim would provide a real challenge for them and it was not easy. "Once you complete the challenges, the keycard is all yours."

They entered through the sliding doors into a room that was built like the Cosmo Theater. It was big and round, and a podium rose in the middle of the room. Cloud and Y/n made sure they had what they needed before they started the simulator. Potions, materia, their weapons. They were all set.

"Try to keep up," Y/n grinned, pulling her glove tighter to her hand as the first two opponents appeared. Two cutters.

Cloud scoffed, unsheathing his sword from his back. "I could say that to you. Your body can't handle materia without backlash, so you're at a disadvantage."

Y/n scoffed. "That doesn't matter! Fine. Whoever gets the most kills is the winner. The winner gets to choose their prize. If I win, you're buying me a welkin moon."

Cloud nodded, not knowing what that was, and eyed the empty materia spots on the fan blades Y/n held. Challenge accepted, then.

Y/n felt herself move. Sometimes she forgot that fighting came naturally to her in this universe. She wondered what her past self would think of her now, slashing through metal like it was nothing. Not only that, she thought about how her family would feel seeing her. Not like she cared what they thought, but maybe it would rub into their faces that she was doing amazing without them.

Seeing an opening in the Cutter that Cloud was fighting, she grinned as she slid over to them and opened the blade into fan position. She threw the fan at the cutter she was currently fighting, then focused on landing the final move on Cloud's cutter. She launched herself as high in the air as she could, and slammed her blade down into the "head" of the machine. It sputtered as she slid down it, blade still in its head.

She grinned at Cloud, her fan she previously threw found itself back in her hand. "That's one."

Her victory lasted only one moment, because the next thing she knew, Cloud used thundaga on the other Cutter, killing it instantly. He looked at her with the smuggest look he could muster and said, "One."

Her face dropped into a frown and she started grumbling. "Y'know, you have the advantage here."

"Oh, but I thought that didn't matter?"

She got in his face, giving him a glare that surpassed any glare she'd given anyone before. "Cloud Strife, I will end you!"

"Y/n L/n, I'd like to see you try." This was probably the first time she had seen a shit-eating grin on her face. He was lucky he was cute and a tsundere, because if he wasn't, he'd be on the floor.

The next round was not two, but three Sweepers. Y/n was gonna shit her pants until she heard Cloud say that it was nothing.

Deciding to work with him for a moment, Y/n found herself stepping behind him. Her plan? Let him take a few hits, then really take the spotlight when he wasn't looking.

She watched from the sidelines as Cloud focused hitting one Sweeper and dodging the others. He was doing good so far, but there was only so much room he could use with his giant buster sword. Yes, it was a great weapon, just not in tight places like that.

"How you holding up?" she slurred out. It was her turn to wear the shit-eating grin.

He ignored her, slashing and evading as much as he could.

Deciding it was time to hop back in, Y/n ran towards Cloud, throwing her fan blades. They did their job, hitting back the attacks the other two Sweepers were about to give. She saw Cloud dip his sword to the ground and knew what he wanted. Increasing her speed, she jumped onto his sword. He launched her into the air where she twisted around. Her fans returned to her and in one swift motion, her blades took out one of the Sweepers.


As if to say, "Fuck you," Cloud used thundega once more on the two remaining Sweepers. One of them exploded instantly, but the other was finished off with Cloud's sword to the 'face'(?).


Y/n grumbled as the bodies of the Sweepers faded away. "Don't get too cocky, Cloud. There's still one more round."

He just shrugged, looking around the room. The final round, the one Y/n swore she would annihilate, was SOLIDER trainees. She snorted. This would be easy.

Three of them went towards Cloud while two of them rushed over to Y/n. She was gonna quickly get rid of them, then take out at least one of Cloud's. That would secure her victory.

These guys were insanely easy for the last round. All it took was a couple of slashes in the right places and they were cut down. She mentally counted four and took a look at Cloud. He had cut down one of them, which put him at the same number as her.

Just like she planned, she rushed over to end the two, when more SOLDIERS materialized. "Pikachu surprised face!"

"What?" Confused, Cloud looked over to where she was and saw, at least, 10 SOLDIERS. A small army.

"Oh, I am so rushing in!" Y/n ran as fast as she could over to the group that was already running at her. Cloud quickly cut down the other two, putting him at six, and rushed over to help Y/n. She was capable, but she was also an egghead sometimes.

Not meaning to, they both worked together cutting down their enemies, while also yelling out numbers.

"Seven," Cloud called out.

Y/n used one slash to cut down two SOLDIERS at a time. "Six!"


"You know, I think you cheated."

That made Cloud laugh a little. "If anything, you're the one who cheated. Jumping in to steal the last hit."

"Think smarter not harder. So, what's your prize?" Y/n looked over expectantly at Cloud, who started to think. She knew he was thinking because he was making his 'thinking face'. His brows were slightly furrowed, and his mako eyes stared right through her.

He was about to answer when Tifa and Barrett called out to them. Once they caught up, they said that they couldn't find anyone on their side that was the informant.

Y/n laughed awkwardly, realizing that they didn't tell the two they found their man. "Actually, we found him when we started. This is him."

After them yelling at the two for about five minutes, getting their keycard updated, and setting off to the next floor, Cloud finally revealed his prize.

Y/n was walking at the back of the group, hands in her jacket pockets. She, despite losing, was in a pretty good mood now. The fight really got her moving and woke her up a bit.

She noticed Cloud fell into step with her. He nudged her hand with his and said, "You owe me a favor."

She hummed. "And what is that gonna be?"


Once shock quickly wore off, she smiled at him. "Alright. It's a date then."


I hope this didn't come out of nowhere. I don't want to rush their relationship since Cloud is a quiet and reserved person. Just let me know if it is too slow.


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