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Her whole body tingled and there was only pitch black. Her mind was empty, she couldn't even remember her name. It wasn't until she felt something grip her shoulder did feeling start to reappear in her body.

First, she felt temperature. Warm. Then, her hearing came back. No birds, just stillness and the sound of light breathing. She could then move her fingers, toes. Scrunching her nose due to her smell coming back and smelling dust, she opened her eyes.

At first, the light blinded her, but then it was blocked out by a face. A pretty girl with brown hair that framed her face.

"Hey," the girl said, her light voice still fading in and out to Y/n. "You feeling okay?"

Y/n groaned and sat up wearily. Giving herself a once over, she found no injury, but was confused to have new additions to her outfit.

Lifting her arms up to her face, her wrists were adorned with silver arm bracers that went right under her elbows. They were pretty smooth, strapped to her arms with black material. What confused her was the two holes in one of her bracers. 'What a weird design choice,' she thought.

Her attention was snapped back to the girl with green eyes when she waved her hand in her face. "Earth to girl, you never answered my question!"

"Oh," Y/n croaked out. "Yeah, I'm fine, I guess. Except... Where am I?" Y/n looked around to see what looked like to be in an abandoned church, ruined by rust and neglect.

The beauty tilted her head. "Well, you're in Sector 5. Yknow, the slums. This is my church. Also are you sure you're okay?"

"Sector 5? The shit is that," Y/n blurted out, not trying to sound mean. She waved her hands around trying to apologize about that. The girl didn't seem to care.

"It seems you're a bit lost on... Well, life. Where are you from? Oh, and my name is Aerith." Y/n raised a brow. Aerith? Wait, that's...

"I'm Y/n, and I think I'm in the wrong dimension."

After sitting for a while and talking, Y/n and Aerith had gotten to know a little bit more about each other. Aerith had also believed Y/n's truth about being in the wrong dimension and offered up a place if she needed one. Y/n happily obliged.

"These flowers are pretty," Y/n smiled as she walked further into the small bed of yellow flowers. "What are they?"

Aerith smiled. Having learned she was a florist, Y/n knew that she was about to hear a lot about the flower. "Well, theyre- LOOK OUT!"

Y/n looked up as a crash sounded above her. Before she could process anything, she blacked out. The last thing she felt was cold steel to the face.

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