CHAPTER 22: Deliverance from Chaos

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Hi I'm back

Also these parts of the story are getting really linear so I'm sorry if it doesn't seem like much is going on

Also we almost at the end yall 💀 also this was written late at night so please excuse any mistakes ty

THEY HAD DRAGGED CLOUD TO AERITH'S OLD ROOM TO RECOVER and wait for him to wake up. It was weird to see him passed out for once, but Y/n welcomed the change. He could take the brain damage for once.

Y/n brushed his hair behind his ear, watching him closely in case anything happened. The others were talking quietly or dozing. They couldn't do much with Cloud out.

But, finally, Cloud awoke with a grunt, grabbing the hand Y/n was using to touch his hair. Y/n helped him sit up, making sure he didn't get up too fast and hurt his head.

Once he was situated, Aerith went on to explain that the room they were in was the room she and her mother lived in as a child. Seeing it in person broke Y/n's heart a bit. On the walls were drawings of people dressed in bright clothes in fields of flowers that seemed even brighter, clashing with the dull, steel walls of the tiny room. The little mural was obviously drawn by a child.

Y/n watched as Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, and Barrett talked. Slowly she started inching her way closer to the red Kitty-Dog on the floor. Red just got up and walked away. Y/n huffed and sat on the bed, turning her full attention to the group talk.

"Aerith," Cloud started, getting her to look at him. "Before we get out of here, you need to talk to us."

The group watched on as Aerith seemed to struggle to find the words. Finally, she took a deep breath and stated, "I'm... a descendant of the Ancients. That's pretty much it, really. But just so you know, that's not their actual name. They called themselves the Cetra."

"We who are born of the planet, with her we speak. Her flesh we shape," Barrett quoted. He look out of place sitting on the little couch with a giant machine gun strapped to him arm. "Unto her promised land shall we one day return. By her loving grace and providence may we take our place in paradise."

As touching as this moment was, Y/n couldn't help but feel like she understood what Nikolai Lanstov meant when talking about Tolya recite poems.

After much more talk about the "Promised Land" and weather or not Aerith could lead Shinra to it, it was time to move. Y/n sigh and stood up, lifting her arms above her head. Before anything could happen, though, the dementors appeared out of nowhere again and circled the group.

"Whispers," said Red. Every time he spoke Y/n couldn't help but shiver. It was strange to see an animal in real life speak. He explained them as "arbiters of fate." "Drawn to people who attempt to alter destiny's course and make sure they do not."

It was really strange to hear talk of destiny from a big talking cat, but Y/n had seen weirder things at this point, so she just took what he said as truth.

Out of nowhere, Aerith started speaking to the Whispers.

"Listen to me." They circled her, getting faster and faster. "Every time the Whispers touch me, I lose a part of myself. Like I'm trapped."

Before the Whispers could sweep Aerith away, Y/n pulled her out from their circle. Tifa took Aerith's hand and Y/n took the other. "Don't worry," Tifa smiled. "We'll find a way put together."

Aerith smiled back at the both of them, eyes gleaming. "Okay!"

After that magical little moment, the TVs in the the room turned on with static. The old man, Domino, appeared on the screen. Before he could say anything though, Wedge grabbed the camera. "Hey guys! Long time, no see!"

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