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There's a lot of Leslie lovers (rightfully so). Should I make a spin-off chapter just for him? Lmao

Instead of going to see Madam M due to a locked door, they made their way through some backstreets to Andrea's. They walked inside, pulling back the curtain. The first bing they saw were many girls in skimpy bee outfits. They were all gorgeous and they seemed happy.

Cloud walked up to the desk with Aerith and Y/n behind him. The clerk, who wore a yellow suit with a black stripe down it, welcomed them and asked if he had an appointment with Mr. Andrea.

"Uh, no," Cloud said, "no appointment."

"I'm sorry, but unless you catch his eye then you won't be able to see him. The next appointment opening is in 3 years."

"Three years!?" Aerith cried out. The man nodded, but glanced at Y/n.

"Ma'am, you are stunning. Perhaps you would audition to be a honeybee?"

"Uh, do I get to have an appointment with Andrea if I do?" Y/n asked, but signed when the man said no. "No thanks then."

Cloud couldn't help but think about what Y/n would look like as a Honeybee. "Well," he said, "let's try Madam M again."

When they got back to Madam's, Cloud was about to try the door when it busted open and out came Johnny. Cloud just shook it off and kept walking inside, noticing a woman in a traditional dress, the shoulder hanging off a bit, waving a fan.

She turned around to greet her guests, telling them all about her massages. "I can even do a couple massage," she winked, gesturing to Cloud and Y/n, who were standing closer together as Aerith was a bit more off to the side.

Cloud interrupted her, suppressing a blush. He's a tsundere, he can't show blushes. "Uh, actually, we're not customers."

Madam tilted her head. "And you are?"

Aerith said as quickly as possible, "Hoping to get her an audition the-"

"Oh for the love of- Say another word and shove this rIGHT DOWN YOUR THROAT!" Madam calmed herself before walking out from behind the counter. "Ugh, this is the last thing I need."

She walked over to Y/n, taking in all she could see. "You're young and stupid, and I suppose you think I'll let you off easy. So you want what? A favor? Well here's the thing, this is a massage parlor- a respectable establishment. But if you don't require our services... THEN TELL ME! Is there any reason I shouldn't have you dragged outside and shot for waisting my valuable time!? Well?!"

At this point, Madam was very much in Cloud's face, but he kept it stone cold and challenged her look with his. "Hot," Y/n muttered, hoping no one heard that. She was also talking about the Madam.

Madam then did a once over on Cloud, asking for his name, his palm, etc. He was pretty reluctant, but Madam M said something about his hand being strong but elegant, or whatever that means. Can people have elegant hands? Anyway, Madam requested that she wanted to see what Cloud was made of, and said that it was massage time.

Y/n raised a brow at Cloud's confusion, but raised the other just as high when he paid 3,000 gil for the luxury course. "This motherfucker," she sighed, watching him be led into another room. "Well, I guess if you have the chance, take it."

When they were gone, Y/n gave Aerith a look before slipping off her combat boots and tip toeing her way to the end of the hall, pressing her ear against the door.

Aerith watched as Y/n's face turned pale, to violently blushing. With a raised brow, she asked Y/n what she heard when she got back, slipping her shoes back on.

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