CHAPTER SEVEN: Respect Wamen

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Gordon Ramsay will be back next chapter. Also;
*WARNING: Corneo being a creep, it's not too descriptive tho*

CLOUD AND Y/N MET BACK UP WITH AERITH IN THE LOBBY. She stood there, barbecue sauce on her titties and a big grin on her face. "You guys did amazing! I even won a bit of Gil betting."

Cloud raised a brow. "You bet our money?" Y/n laughed and put her hand on Cloud's shoulder.

"I say, after we get Tifa, we get some food with that Gil. Now, let's get to Madam's!"

Once they arrived Madam was already there waiting for them to return. "You're back," she said as she watched them enter. "Good. I have everything I need to get started. Just one thing before we do. You're Cloud, right? The Cloud? The merc. I'm told you did a wonderful job of helping out people in sector 5, great work ethic. You know what they say, 'Do good things and good things come to you.' What goes around comes around."

Madam walked around Y/n, taking in her looks. "I'm gonna make Y/n even more beautiful. I'm gonna put her in the most gorgeous dress you've ever seen. It'll be a real jaw dropper. All right then, let's get started. Beauty takes a lot of work a preparation, you know." After her telling Cloud that Sam had some work for him, she told Y/n to follow her.

"I can't wait to see your dress, Y/n!" Aerith said happily, making her way to stand next to Cloud.

Madam M hummed. "The dress it part of it, sure. But we also need to do something about your natural, no makeup look. Don't get me wrong, you don't need make up, you're a natural beauty, but tonight you gotta cake up." Madam didn't turn around as she spoke to Cloud. "Peak, and I'll poke out your eyes."

So, while Y/n got her face beat, Cloud did some merc work while Aerith took a quick nap in the parlor.

Y/n sat down in a chair that madam requested her to sit in. She scanned the room, her e/c eyes landing on an beautiful, expensive looking dress. It was beautiful, from the soft looking black fabric hitting the floor gracefully, to the sparkling gems decorating the dress. "I'm gonna wear that!"

Madam laughed as she brought out what looked like a makeup kit. "Of course, dear. I think it fits you, but also adheres to Corneo's tastes."

"Revealing and expensive?"

"On the dot." Madam walked over to Y/n and started to apply makeup to her face, beating her face. "Now, tell me, how long have you and that merc been together?"

Y/n started blushing a storm, making Madam laugh. "Oh, we're not-"

"I know, I know," she waved off. "I can't help but tease. I heard you sneak over and I'm glad I could give you a sneak peak of your future."

Y/n.exe stopped working. "I'm- Uh- no. Mada- Uh."

Madam grabbed Y/n's chin and moved her face to the side to get a look at the scar on Y/n's face. "Hm, this will be hard to cover. Luckily it's small... Where'd you get it?"

Y/n, still barely recovered from being discovered snooping on the massage session, stuttered out, "C-Cloud did it . Uh- Not on purpose! He fell on me and his sword kinda disagreed with my face."

Madam hummed, moving onto Y/n's hair, adding h/c extensions and braiding her hair. "I see. Well, when the wedding happens, invite me. I'd like to dress you up for it."

"Uh... okie."

Y/n looked at herself in the mirror once she was all dressed up. The dress fit her like a glove, highlighting all her curves. She felt beautiful, badass and ready to kick some ass. Her hair was braided beautifully as well as her make done like a model. She really was ready to ruin a man's career.

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