ALT STORY: Girls Over Flowers

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Disclaimer: no I haven't watched the show "boys over flowers" but this song is a banger so plz forgive me for being a fake k drama stan

Also, the difference between an alt story and a extra story is that this Y/n is different from the main book Y/n

Carnations, dahlias, chrysanthemums, daffodils, tulips, and her. She was the prettiest flower to exist. Her personality bloomed bright like a sunflower, and her eyes shone a bright blue like forget-me-nots. To a florist, that girl was the definition of a perfect flower.

Aerith Gainsborough was a sight to behold every day as she skipped through sector 5 slums, her vibrant outfit and personality contrasting with with the dull orange of, well, everything about the town. She was always seen with someone as she made her way around. Sometimes it was children from the school house, other times it was people who seeked out her help with something mundane.

Today was no different. In fact, it was Tuesday, and every Tuesday Aerith came into Blooming Petals to purchase some seeds or to buy a already potted plant to use in her own garden. It was the highlight of Y/n's week.

As a florist it always made Y/n happy that someone actually adored flowers as much as she did, and wouldn't mind talking hours on end with someone about them. But with Aerith? It was a whole new game.

It always felt like all she could do was just stare at the girl every time they spoke. Short answers were given to questions Aerith would ask, and every time she was caught staring she would look away quickly, her face the color of a rose.

Y/n decided that she would stop being awkward and muster up the courage to talk to Aerith. She had to, for her own sanity. And her boss Ed's sanity.

He has expressed many times he is tired of seeing Y/n look like a lovesick puppy.

The bell above the door chimed, so Y/n put on a smile and greeted, "Welcome to Blooming Petals-"

She had more to say. The whole greeting wasn't finished. 'Where every flower is unique'. She couldn't finish the greeting, though. She never could when Aerith walked through those doors. Did Aerith even know there was more to the greeting? She hoped not. Didn't want to make her feel bad.

"Hello, Y/n!" Aerith happily chirped, grabbing a little basket from the table next to the door. A basket meant lots of purchases. Y/n wondered what Aerith's garden looked like.

Y/n meekly waved with a wobbly smile. She felt like her face was dipped in hot lava. She couldn't speak. Not yet. Not when it felt like she ate a handful of Szechuan Buttons*. So, instead, she begun organizing seed packets she sold at the front desk.

Although that kept her hands and mind moving, she couldn't help but notice Aerith peaking at her from the corner of her eye. That couldn't be right. Why would a lilac look at a weed?

Her suspicions were confirmed when Aerith tapped Y/n on the shoulder, smiling ear to ear. "Y/n? Do you mind accompanying me while I shop around?"

Y/n could feel herself start to panic again. But, her introverted brain gave her the perfect excuse. "I'm sorry, I can't leave the counter-"

Before she could stutter out any more, Ed appeared behind the counter and pushed Y/n away from behind it. "Ms. L/n would love to help you."

Well, fuck.

"Beautiful!" Aerith clapped. She looped her arm around Y/n's and begun dragging her around the store. "I'm making a new area in my garden for a few different flowers. I was hoping you could chose a flower for me?"

Y/n raised a brow in confusion. "Me?"

Aerith took a glance at a potted pink azalea, humming in thought. "Why, yes. The flowers you grow are as beautiful as you! So why wouldn't want your advice?"

Now it was Aerith's turn to blush.

Y/n felt like she was flying at that point. At the littlest comment, too. She was down bad, for sure.

"O-oh! Well... I think I can help with that," she smiled at Aerith. She was totally trembling and was grateful that Aerith had let go of her arm before giving that compliment.

Aerith grinned named off all the flowers she already had in her garden. Y/n wondered where all these flowers were, she has so many! Oh, how'd she love to see it all.

"I could show you sometime?" said Aerith.

Y/n snapped out of her trance, locking eyes with the girl. "I'm sorry?"

"You seemed really excited to hear about my flowers. You were practically beaming. Would you like to see them?" she offered.

Before she could even think about how nervous she was, Y/n nodded excitedly. "Oh, yes please!"

"Amazing! What time do you get off work?"

Y/n hummed in thought. "I think I get off at 5-"

Ed cut in with, "Now. She gets off now. Have a good day. Those seeds are on the house."

The walk to Aerith's house wasn't far, but it felt like a lifetime. Y/n was really going to Aerith's house. Her garden! It was a dream come true.

Y/n looked over to Aerith. The brunette was chatting up a storm, but all Y/n could focus on was how beautiful her eyes were. The blue was something she couldn't ever forget.

Finally they arrived and walked through the front door. A woman, tall and blonde, stood in the kitchen area, probably cooking dinner.

"Hi, mom!" Aerith greeted. "This is Y/n. She's the florist I've told you about! We're gonna go to the garden. Later!"

'Holy shit, she told her mom about me! We're married now,' thought Y/n.

It was even more beautiful then Y/n excepted. Stone pathways led everywhere, flowers of different colors littered the soil everywhere. There was even a little pond where water ran off the side and made a makeshift irrigation system. The setting Sun just completed the feel of the atmosphere.

Aerith grabbed Y/n's hand and led her over to a little ledge that overlooked the whole garden. It was a little grass spot that had no flowers, but she could tell by the tools around that this was the new garden area Aerith was going to be working on.

The two sat on a blanket that Aerith had laid out and watched the sunset. "So, I did get a few different options before Mr. Ed ordered us out. What do you think?"

She spread out many different seed packets, but Y/n's eyes lingered on one. She pointed towards them. "These."

Aerith stared at them for a moment before a blissful smile broke on her face. "Lilacs. Represents first love, correct?"

"Oh, I, uh-"

Aerith grabbed Y/n's hand in hers, using her other hand to cup her face. "I've been to nervous to ask, but... Would you like to stay for dinner?"

Letting out a giggle, Y/n nodded enthusiastically. She put her own hand where Aerith's was. A perfect fit. "I'd love too."

"Then it's a date."


* Szechuan Button is an edible flower that goes by many names, all of which point to its uniquely "electrifying" properties when chewed on. "..tastes like a 9-volt battery. It's electrifying and hits you on a molecular level. We're talking nerve damage here, where your tongue and mouth actually go numb after an awkward salivating period."

Lots of googling for this, but it's worth it bc Aerith is a gazania

Get it?

Get it?

Anyway. Hope you enjoyed!

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