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IT WAS OFFICIALLY SOME DUDE'S TURN TO BE WOKEN UP BY AERITH. BUT, INSTEAD OF NICELY doing it like she did for Y/n, she started yelling at the familiar dude and trying to push him off her new friend. "Get off her!"

Cloud opened his eyes slowly, his first sight being the hole of what he assumed he created as he fell through the roof. Then, he met eyes with an angry looking girl. "You're laying on my friend!"


It was then cloud noticed the familiar coldness of his sword was no longer there, it being cast aside to the floor. Instead, he felt the warmth of what felt like another human. With a "gah!", he quickly got off the person he landed on.

"Took you long enough!" Aerith chided. As Aerith waited and tended to Y/n, her and Cloud introduced themselves and found out that they had met before. "Look, you cut her with your sword!"

Cloud looked at the cut in question and, indeed, there was a small cut from Y/n's jawline to just under it. It was also bleeding, but not too badly. He also took time to look at Y/n more. She seemed pretty short, but he couldn't tell when she was laying down. Her h/c hair was cut to her shoulders, some pieces framing her face. Long eyelashes and (color) lips, she was pretty.

"Ugh," Y/n groaned, snapping Cloud out of his staring. She sat up, gripping her head keeping her eyes tightly shut. "I feel like I got hit by a bus."

Aerith giggled and helped Y/n up. She then gestured to Cloud. "Y/n, this is Cloud. Or, should I say, bus."

Y/n raised a brow and crossed her arms. "You owe me for this splitting headache..." After a few moments of Aerith recruiting Cloud as a bodyguard and giving him a rundown of Y/n's situation, the door freaked open and in came 3 guys. One of which stood out.

The guy has striking red hair styled into a low ponytail, but spiked out on the top. He had vibrant blue eyes that had red marks beside them. He wore a suit, if wearing is what you could call it. In his hand was a baton with a lanyard like thing. Y/n's first reaction was, "Oh no, he's hot!"

"I'll see myself in, thanks," the guy grinned and winked at Y/n, pushing his goggles up. Cloud took a defensive stance, and as if she had trained for this her whole life, Y/n did too. "And who are these two? Especially her. I'm Reno, by the way, gorgeous."

Aerith, seemingly unfazed by the appearance of Reno, smiled purely. "These are my new bodyguards. He's a SOLDIER and she's new around here."

Reno raised a brow. "A SOLDIER, huh?" Cloud was quick to correct that he was no longer a future US army soldier, but did declare that he could, indeed, not fuck with him. It seemed that, after a few more questions about Cloud's ranking, that there was gonna be a fight.

"Huh," Y/n hummed, feeling her hands gravitate to her hips where her new found weapons were. She didn't know where these instincts came from or how she even knew how to hold the knives she pulled out, but she decided not to question it. "So, pretty boy, if you want to get to Aerith, you gotta get through her bodyguards. So, what do you say? Wanna get your ass kicked?"

Reno grinned. "I like her. Maybe one day I'll take you out. Anyway, get the target!"

"This is gonna cost you," Cloud grumbled to Aerith, unseathing is sword. "A lot."

"Hmmm, one date will do it!"

Y/n choked back a laugh and instead equipped her knives. Something itched at her mind, telling her to do a flicking motion. In doing so, her knives to a fan with blades spread across it. "Well, damn."

Cloud ran at Reno, bringing down is blade, but the red head blocked it with his baton and kicked Cloud back. Y/n motioned Aerith to get back, so she ran and hid behind a podium. "Watch the flowers!" Aerith yelled at them.

Delightful // Cloud x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now