CHAPTER SIX: Victory Royale

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warning: mentions of family death, mentions of abuse, drug use/overdose. *Nothing goes into detail*

"YOU TWO READY?" THE GUY STANDING IN FRONT OF THE BIG ASS GATES THAT LED TO the arena where they, hopefully, would kick names and take ass is. Cloud glanced at Y/n and then back at the guy, saying yes. "Try not to get yourselves killed."

Y/n and Cloud listened from behind the second set of steel doors at the announcers of the place hype everyone up. After a loud gong sounded, one guy yelled, "And for our next match welcome two new fighters, a young couple no less!"

"Couple?" The two of them said together, avoiding each other's gazes. The announcers kept going.

"Talk about a bad date!"

"This is their first tournament!"

"A bad first date!"

"And most likely their last, inexperienced as they are- or are they?!" The main announcer kept going. "Give it up for Cloud and Y/n!"

A collective cheer and boo sounded from all around them. It was like a high school marching band all
over again. But this time, all the attention was on them. As they walked out, people called out things, berating them and such. One thing got to Y/n though. "Hey girl, what are you gonna do with those tiny knives? You gonna leave all the work to your boyfriend, hmm?"

Y/n grabbed Cloud's arm as they got to their side of the arena. He looked down at her, her e/c eyes still buzzing with electricity. "Let's fuck These bitches up and show who they should really be betting on." Cloud nodded.

"Our other challengers, the demon dogs!"

Y/n sighed. "Well, fuck me."

The fight was fairly easy. In fact, the next fight was also the same. The 3rd fight was a little harder, but they prevailed. When they returned to their room it became known to them that they had to fight one last time. Corneo's orders or something. And not to mention after each round there were more flowers and notes for them from people that betted on them. Y/n and Cloud sat in the waiting room once again, waiting for their names to be called out for the final boss battle.

Cloud watched as Y/n shifted through some cards that people sent. "What do they say?"

Y/n shrugged and threw a stack onto the table and leaned back in the chair she was sitting on. "A lot of marriage requests for the both of us."

Cloud hummed. He took this opportune moment of silence to crest his eyes, but Y/n had other plans. She looked over to Cloud to make sure e wasn't paying attention before she grabbed something out of her pocket. Her phone.

She hadn't noticed it before, but after their fight with Rude she felt the slab in her pocket when Cloud carried her on his shoulder. She turned it on, examining it. It had a nice, slender crack on the side of the screen, smaller ones coming off from it. The black case it was in was faded and looked like it had been through war. The inside of the phone, though, was exactly how she left it. All her apps, texts, etc. The date was even the same from when she left her world.

She went to her contacts, stopping at the one labeled 'Mother'. Y/n's mom was her only living relative of hers that she knew of, but she wouldn't call her a relative. Y/n was adopted into a awful family. An abusive father who later died of a drug overdose, and two brothers that followed him to the grave after messing with the wrong type of people. So, really, there wasn't much of a family.

Her mom wasn't the best either. She was a total bitch who blamed Y/n for everything that happened to her husband and boys. That's why Y/n left one night, leaving her family behind and running away with her then boyfriend as soon as she got accepted into nursing school. She was 19 so it was surely fine... Until it wasn't.

Y/n's ears perked when she heard Cloud stir, so she quickly looked at the last message her mom sent her before smashing the screen of her phone with the hilt of her dagger and placing it in her pocket.

"You okay?" Cloud asked, noticing the subtle change in Y/n's mood. She seemed... Sad.

But she put on a big smile and clasped her hands behind her back. "Ah, nothing. Just thinking. Now, let's go kick some more ass."

Before Cloud could interrogate her more, the announcer told them to go to the gate. When they left their room they couldn't help but notice a shit ton of more flowers gathered at their door. The other door stood Sam, his machines in the room behind him.

"Hey, Sam," Y/n smiled and waved. He tipped his hat in response. He wasn't stupid, he knew what was going on. Y/n and Cloud had to win so Y/n could sneak into the auditions. He just wish the girl had more sense. Don Corneo was a force to be reckoned with, but what Sam didn't know was that Y/n was a greater force. Whatever she put her mind to she was going to do it.

After the two announcer guys introduced the "loving, Kickass couple" once more, they both walked out to their side of the arena. As the announcers kept blabbing on, Y/n put her hand on Cloud's arm to grab his attention. "What do you think this final boss is gonna be?"

Before Cloud could answer, the doors busted open to reveal... A house. With legs? Y/n raised a brow, "What kinda Scooby Doo, Supernatural shit is this?" Then, the fight started.

The fight was okay at first. Cloud assessed the thing and found fire was his weakness. Since Y/n could absolutely not do magic without scrambling her insides, she opted on physical attacks and tossed her fan blades at it while Cloud used fire. It wasn't until mid battle their strategy stopped working.

The house thing formed a barrier around it, and when cloud assessed it again, he said there wasn't any weaknesses. "Um, nani the fuck!" Y/n shouted as she avoided a fire attack, it barely grazing her.

Cloud called out whenever there was weaknesses, and when for her to strike. Then, Cloud was pulled into the house when it's door opened. "That's mine!" Y/n yelled as she tossed her blades once again, throwing some knives with it.

Cloud was tossed back out of the house. Y/n thought he was dead, but he flipped mid air and landed on his feet like a cat. Y/n and Cloud glanced at each other before nodding.

Cloud positioned his blade to rest behind his back as Y/n ran at him, jumping on his sword. When Cloud felt her weight, he lifted his sword as fast as possible with all the strength he could muster, throwing Y/n in the air. Y/n grinned wildly as she tried her thunder once again, using her fans as a conduit. She ignored the icky feeling again. "Here's a housewarming gift, fuckface!"

"THAT SPECIAL MOVE WAS EPIC!" one of the announcers yelled from the speakers, the crowd cheering in agreement. "Just shows what the Power of love is like ❤️!"

Y/n raised a brow, "I'm the only one who can emoji speak!"

The fight ended a little after, the house exploding. But what they didn't expect was chimney tops flying at the crowd. Cloud jumped at one and slashed it in half while Y/n threw her fan blades, breaking two in half.

After that, the crowd cheered loudly for the two as fireworks exploded in the underground arena. Y/n laughed and looked at Cloud, her eyes illuminated by the lights and fireworks. "Victory Royale, bitches!" She then did a weird dance.

She really was amazing. Weird, but amazing.

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