Quick Update

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First and foremost, thanks for all the love on this book. 2k+ is amazing 💕💕 Thanks for people supporting me. You know who you are 👑

So, I might be gone for a little bit. It's nothing bad, but there are some tough things going on in my life right now that I can't take time to stop and write as much as I wish I could. These chapters can take up from 30 mins-2 hours to make. They may not seem like it, but they do lmao

But I will try and pump out a chapter or two for you all. I love writing for this book. So far everyone has been so kind and I really appreciate and love it. We could also use some more Cloud in these trying times 🤩

—the rest isn't about the book—

I hope everyone is staying safe. If you're taking part in the protests make sure you cover yourself and protect yourself. Please stay safe, loves. Remember that no matter the color of your skin you are human and you matter.

Also, Happy Pride Month! Since all this is going on in the world, pride parades prob won't happen, but that's okay. I'm sure there's people setting things up online or organizing something.

 I'm sure there's people setting things up online or organizing something

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Remember, if you do go out please wear a mask. Miss 'Rona is still out here.

Have a wonderful day, and stay safe!

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