EXTRA STORY: Noodles and CDs

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Y'all know the drill. It doesn't affect the actual story line 😌

AH, WALL MARKET. A VERY UNCOMFORTABLE PLACE TO BE IF YOU'RE not actually doing the things intended to be done in this place. Y/n wasn't exactly happy to be back in this cesspool of assholes, especially since she was alone. The gang, Tifa, Cloud, her, and Barret, split up to cover more ground on helping out the citizens of the sectors. Splitting up wasn't a bad idea until Y/n was stuck in the current predicament.

Sighing, the h/c haired girl strolled through one of the many nameless streets of the trash ridden sector. It was dark out and the music coming from the Honeybee was loud, vibrating through the night. Y/n was almost tempted to join the party scene, but her crippling anxiety said "fuck that", so she's making her way to her destination. Finding records for a little girl.

Her ear caught a very pretty tune coming from what seemed to be a noodle shop. Stomach growling, she thought it was the perfect place to get the disk and grab a bite to eat.

The smell of the ramen had gotten 100x more prominent when she walked through the curtain doors into the noodle shop. It was a small, quaint little place. A few barstools were set up at the bar top/counter, and there was some comfortable looking booths lining the shut windows. Usually she'd go for a booth, but if she did she wouldn't want to leave, so she opted for the bar top.

Once she was seated, it was like all the pain from her feet spread up her legs from walking for what seemed like forever. It was uncomfortable feeling, yet nice at the same time. A man came up to take her order, greeting her with a bored look on his sharp face. "What to drink? We have room temperature water, iced water, hot water, or beer."

"Uh, I'll just take iced water, thanks." Y/n gave him a stiff smile, moving around in her seat uncomfortably. The man nodded and handed her a piece of paper and began to make her water.

Looking through the menu, her heart ached at the fact that this place had few options. For a ramen shop they didn't have a lot of ramen. Before she could even finish reading the menu, which by the bottom was just a small history of how the shop was made, she heard the seats on her left and right creak with weight of people.

"Well, if it ain't Pretty Girl."

Y/n felt her heart drop straight to her ass. Practically shitting her pants, Y/n turned to the left to see Reno, all patched up, sitting there with that stupid grin of his. Looking to her left she saw Rude also sitting there, but his attention was on the menu that he grabbed from behind the counter. "Um, what the fuck."

The man returned with Y/n's water and placed it in front of her, glancing at the men beside her. "You two want water as well?"

Rude nodded, but Reno asked for a beer instead. The man sighed before asking what Y/n wanted to order.

"Oh, um," Y/n started to bounce her leg. "I'll take the egg ramen, please." The gut just nodded and snatched the menu away before walking to the back to make everyone's requests. "A+ customer Service, damn."

Reno snickered, reminding Y/n that he and his partner were still there. "Oh, I forgot to say. What the actual fuck are you guys doing here? If you hadn't forgotten, you guys kinda fucked up one of my best friend's home."

Reno grunted, casting his eyes away. Rude placed the menu down and turned to face her. "Reno saw you walking into this place and he wanted to bug you."

"Um, no! I was just hungry, that's all. It's was a mere coincidence we saw her here," Reno scoffed, crossing his arms. Rude just shook his head and slid the menu over to the red head. "Anyway, we didn't want to do all that. We didn't have a choice."

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