CHAPTER 24: Deliverance from Chaos pt 2

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So this chapter is a lot of fighting and weird scenes to write. I feel like going from here, as we're basically 2-3 chapters to the end, things will be a bit weird to write so plz bear with me lol



Y/n whips her head around to see that Cloud had climbed a bit higher up the building. He was yelling at Sephiroth, holding the man in rags. She couldn't tell if they were talking or not, but Y/n felt uneasy as she watched Whispers fly around them.

When the Whispers fell away, Sephiroth was no longer standing there. It was another man in rags holding what looked like Jenova. The man jumped off the tower, headfirst off the side of the building. 60 something stories he'd go down.

Y/n took her eyes off Cloud for a moment to look up above at the helicopter waiting for them. Her hair whipped around her head as it got lower.

Cloud appeared near them, asking if the group was okay. Barrett asked Cloud if he got the guy, but Cloud said that he had gotten away.

"About time we made our escape, too," said Barrett.

Y/n nodded. "I love this little thing we have going on here. You know, being high up or whatever, but if we don't leave, I'm going to-"

An explosion sounded above before Y/n could finish speaking. The avalanche helicopter was shot down. Not by just anyone, but a Shinra helicopter.

The group ran from the landing pad, hoping to avoid whoever was landing the Shinra helicopter. Cloud grabbed Y/n's arm and pulled her along beside him as the rest fell behind them.

Despite Cloud dragging her along, Y/n began to slow as she watched the man clad in white step out of the helicopter. "Oh, fuck this, bro..."

"Well, if it ain't Rufus Shinra. Heir to the throne himself," Barrett stated.

They all watched on as some Shinra SOLDEIRS and a giant black dog fell out around Rufus to guard him.

Barrett went to go rush at him, but Cloud yelled for him to stop.

"The hell I will! We can finish off the family here and now!"

All Cloud said was, "Take Aerith and get out of here."

Y/n was still watching Rufus, her hands gripping her blades she didn't even realize she had out. The man nodded at his SOLDIERS, and they began walking towards the group.

Cloud stepped forward. "I'll buy you guys some time."

Barrett put his hand on his hip. "I could stay here—back you up."

Cloud turned around at that. "Barrett... I'm asking you...Please."

With those puppy eyes, Y/n didn't blame Barrett for saying fine. "But you better be right behind us."

Y/n cut in with, "Don't worry. I can back Cloud up."

Cloud looked like he wanted to say no, but Y/n gave him her own set of puppy eyes. He didn't argue. So, while the others ran to safety, Cloud and Y/n walked over to Rufus.

"It will be when we fought in the coliseum," Y/n said as the two SOLDIERS got closer. "Just gotta pretend that this guy is a house with a lovely skirt."

Chuckling a bit, Cloud pulled out his sword and ran towards the SOLDIERS. When he had smashed his sword on the ground it sent a shock, knocking some of them off their feet.

Rufus just walked towards them, ignoring the SOLDIERS. He stopped and watched the two of them. "You're a SOLDIER, aren't you? Which, of course, would mean that I own you."

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