CHAPTER 18: The Belly of the Beast

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So this chapter was really hard to write, only because this part is just parkouring, really.  I really tried to make this better, lol. Hope you enjoy!

Also, excuse any weird formatting or typos lmao, I'm on my laptop


The group watched as SHINRA soldiers unloaded vehicles and other SOLDIERS. Or, as Barret called it, they "rolled out the welcome wagon." Y/n internally groaned as she realized their ticket to SHINRA's headquarters was the back of the trucks they used for transporting.

Tifa, ever the voice of reason, sighed as they all looked out from the catwalk. "Gotta say, I can't help but wonder if this is a lost cause."

"Well, ya know," Barret started. "Some lost causes are worth fighting for."

"Yeah. Besides," Y/n smiled at her friends. "Pitbull's been there, done that. Dale."


They all talked through the plan that Barret came up with. It was going to be a frontal assault with guns blazing, according to him. "Make for a good story!"

"Why'd we bring you along again?" Cloud asked a hint of amusement in his voice. Y/n held back a snicker. If Cloud was anything, it was witty. "We go through the rear entrance. We'll get inside via the parking garage."

Just as Y/n feared.

They made their way to an overpass, and anxiety rose in her chest as the four of them jumped down onto a moving vehicle. The transport van was going to take them right where they needed to go, so Y/n wasn't about to start an argument about jumping onto a moving car. Y/n grabbed Cloud's arm as they approached the guards who checked the vehicle for, well, them.

As soon as they thought they were all clear, the van starts moving again. Y/n felt herself relax.

Until Barret fell, dragging Tifa with him. 

So, Yn and Cloud jumped down to help fight. 

Slicing, twisting, and jumping, the fight was not as bad as they thought it would be. But, alas, their original plan was forcefully scrapped. Their new plan was to keep moving and fighting their way to their goal. 

"Nobody's home." Barret was right. The SHINRA Headquarters, at least the floor they were on, was empty except for them. 

"Any idea where they might be holding Aerith?" Tifa asked. Y/n looked to Cloud for his answer. 

"I'm thinking a research facility. That'd make the most sense. Upper floors, maybe near the top. That's where she'll be." Since they weren't too sure, Tifa suggested the receptionist's desk. Which, to their luck, there was a force field blocking it.

Just to simplify some things, Tifa parkoured her way around while the other three watched. Y/n could only wish she could monkey-bar her way around like Tifa and, going back to the start, like Cloud as well. 

The three met Tifa at the reception desk once she, quite literally, dropped in. Once Tifa grabbed a keycard and went towards to computer to disable the security, the force field dropped. 

"I didn't do anything." Tifa raised a brow. 

"Shit, I'll take it," Barret laughed, "So you can use that to look up the floor the research facility is on?"

"Gimmie one sec..." After a moment of typing, it was found the only way to get to Aerith was to go to the 59th floor...via stairs. And then, to go above, they needed to check in the Skyview Hall reception desk.

"59th floor it is then," Cloud nodded.

Y/n groaned, putting her hands to her hips and throwing her head back to look at the ceiling high above. "59 floors... You guys just want to get rid of me, don't you?"

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