CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Symbol of Reunion

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Not me updating after 349438 years

Nah fr, sorry for taking so long lmaoo. This chapter is extra long for you guys, 3000+ words. Love you guys 🤍 Also i apologize for the Barret slander. I love him ❤️

THE TUNNELS WERE JUST AS Y/N REMEMBERED; STINKY, DARK, AND GROSS. All Y/n could think about was that part in Resident Evil 2 where that zombie crocodile came out of nowhere and tried to eat Leon. It freaked her out, but her friends were around her, so at least they would get eaten together. As a team.

While following directions from Leslie on where to go, Y/n couldn't help but stare at the back of Cloud's head. They had definitely gotten closer in the past few days. Not to mention that whole falling asleep on him under the stars thing that they still haven't talked about. She was content with being his friend, but in al honesty, Y/n wanted more.

Y/n's cheeks turned pink just thinking about it. She couldn't help but slap her hands to her cheeks, huffing as she lagged behind the group.

The walk through the tunnel was kinda wild. Like, the battles were weird, they had some puzzle shit going on with water, pretty sure Cloud turned into a frog at one point, and Leslie didn't do shit. Be he's still loved.

After getting a few levels down, Barret pointed out a mark of Avalanche. He had said something about Jessie and Biggs stored a skeleton key down in the sewers, which was great for them.

Before anyone knew it, it was time to get angsty again.

Tifa looked down to the ground as she said, "I never did get to thank them for what they did."

Cloud looked worried and so did Barret, but Y/n smiled and put her hand on Tifa's shoulder. "I'm sure they know."

Tifa squeezes her hand and smiled back. "Alright. Let's keep moving."

Leslie showed up out of nowhere, scaring the shit outta Y/n. "Hate to interrupt," he said with sarcasm. "But the trunk line is just down there- through that door."

"Yeah, yeah, we heard ya," Barret waved his arm. Y/n just mumbled 'smartass' under her breath and walked ahead with the rest. Leslie still traveled behind them.

Once they got to a certain level of the sewers where things started to look more spacious, clean, and just overall better, Leslie explained that there was a door somewhere with Corneo's mark on it. Once they got to the door, Tifa mentioned that it was locked the last time they were there.

Leslie turned to face the group. "Your Time to shine. Clear the path ahead, would ya?"

They were about to go in when Tifa stopped them all by questioning Leslie. "Can I ask you something? Why did you help us out before? You could've lost everything."

Leslie didn't hesitate when he said, "Andrea. He told me to."

"That's it?" Y/n asked.

It was quieter, but Leslie mumbled out something. "And I couldn't bring myself to let it happen again..."

Y/n's heart sunk for him. When Tifa questioned him further, he just said it didn't matter. So everyone moved on. Y/n hung back, though, giving him a smile to let him know it's okay.

As they went along further, they of course ran into more enemies. "Not really a big fan of sea food," said Y/n, flicking whatever was left of the giant crabs they fought off of her fans.

Cloud ignored her statement and opened the steel door that was on the platform. Before he could actually go anywhere, though, Leslie mention that he would take the lead now that they were nearing Corneo's hideout.

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