CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Long time no see

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Sorry for being absolute ass at uploading 🤠 I got a new job and school started, but fuck all that I need cloud bby so let's GO-

Also side note, im not writing all the side quests of this chapter bc your girl is not about to do that. But I might turn it into a side chapter sometime or something.

"AND THATS WHY, MY DEAREST TIFA, DO WE SAY 'KILL ALL MEN'", Y/n smiled, finishing off her 30 minute presentation. Tifa nodded in understanding.

"Yes... I see. I agree with you on a lot of those points."

Before the two girls got into that conversation, the group had to figure out how to topside, which wasn't gonna be easy. Tifa figured out that the only person that would really know would be Don Corneo. Y/n, Tifa, and Cloud shuddered at the thought of seeing that greasy man again, which prompted Y/n to get into her 'kill all men' speech.

The group had made it to the center of Sector 5 when a large crowd drew their attention. Pushing their way to the front of the crowd, they saw a girl on a stage telling the crowd 'news' about Avalanche. It obviously wasn't good news. She was bashing them, calling them  "armatures that don't care about collateral damage."

Y/n's blood began to boil when the girl said that Wutai. Is she trying to start another war or something? "For all the claims of fighting for the slums, they're nothing but puppets for Wutai!"

After delivering her fake news and getting the public talking, the crowd started to disperse a bit. Tifa and Barret looked absolutely destroyed. Barret clenched his fist as he growled out, "We ain't no damn pawns of Wutai! I couldn't care less about the rest, but that shit?"

Barret was gonna rush forward, but Tifa caught his arm, hugging onto it. "No one will listen to us... There's no point in even trying." Tifa releases Barret's arm. "I'm sorry."

"Hey... hey Tifa, listen," Tifa looked up at Barrett as Y/n and Cloud stood by, waiting on them. "There's no room in this world for regrets or what-ifs or any of that. All we can do is keep moving forward and continue the path we chose. Wherever, so we can say we did all we could."

Tifa modded. "I know... but... Right now, you need to look around instead of forward. Everyone here is terrified, so I'm asking you, don't."

That seemed to be the end of that, so when. Cloud and Barret went on ahead, Y/n tapped Tifa on the shoulder. "Hey, I just wanted to tell you to keep hanging on. Things seem tough right now, and things are a bit messy and the true message of Avalanche isn't clear with the people yet. But everyone will understand one day. A wise, short, little man once said 'The only thing we're allowed to do is to believe we won't regret the choice we made."

Tifa smiled and squeezed Y/n's hand. "You always make the weirdest comments, but thank you, N/n. I really appreciate it."

After one last squeeze to her hand, Tifa ran to catch up with the group. Y/n watched her as she ran along with a smile. "Maybe... Maybe I don't wanna leave..."

After a very, very long few days of running around fighting monsters, helping people, and so on, they finally made it back to Wall Market.

Y/n sighed and put her hands on her hips once they entered the gates. Inhaling deeply, Y/n immediately regretted it as she smelled some weird shit in the air. "Ah, Wall Market. Disgusting to be back." Tifa giggled as Cloud nodded.

Going through the streets in the daytime wasn't that much better than the night. The same people wandered around the streets. The only difference was now Y/n could actually see how gross some of them were in the daylight. The food smelled really good, though. Like, Y/n didn't realize how hungry she was until her mouth started drooling for a steak on a stick.

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