CHAPTER NIEN: Haunted Potato Sacks

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a/n; theres an important authors note at the end about decisions for the story :)

Also are you guys okay with this "slow burn but not really" thing with Cloud? Lmao- didn't know if I'm going too slow or sum.

THE GROUP WATCHED AS A CHOPPER FLEW PAST THEM, HEADING TOWARDS THEIR DESTINATION. Y/n saw Tifa worrying and felt the need to put a hand on her shoulder. "Probably Just patrol," she tried, watching as Tifa nodded before walking to catch up with Cloud and Aerith.

The group continued to climb on trains and try to stay in the light. It was hard to see and so she agreed with Tifa it was best to stay in the light.

The group stopped for a moment so they could figure out where to go next. Then, Tifa just had to spook everyone out by saying this train graveyard is haunted. "Those who lose their way out their in the dark of night will never see their way back home again," Tifa recited.

Tifa and Aerith seemed uneasy while Cloud just thought it was bullshit, it seemed. Y/n wish she had a ouija board lmao. "Care for a séance?" Y/n snickered.

"I mean, it's not like I think it's true or anything..." Tifa put her hands up defensively after Cloud hummed. "But, you know... it's..."

"Then let's hurry," Cloud said, obviously wanting to go. Y/n couldn't tell if he was worried or not about the story behind this place. Y/n, on the other hand, felt like she was a Shane surrounded by Ryans.

As they continued walking, Y/n did get that uneasy chill down her spine. She brushed it off as the wind (as a true Shaniac would) and kept walking next to Aerith. It wasn't until a door slammed on its own and Tifa freaking out a bit did Y/n voice what she thought. "It's Just the wind, my dude," she chuckled nervously.

Cloud watched with a raised eyebrow as crossed her arms and shifted on her feet.

Cloud walked over to the door that shut on its own, when it was busted off it's hinges by a few cripshay's. As everyone got out their weapons, Y/n yelled out, "I knew there was a rational explanation!"

The fight lasted about a minute. Cripshay's weren't a hassle, so they continued on.

After the walls started glowing with words and pictures, Y/n was kinda nervous. 'Of course there are ghosts', Y/n chided herself. 'I should know this!'

"So," Cloud said in a teasing but somehow monotone voice, "have a rational explanation for that?"

Y/n scoffed before walking up to him, poking him in the chest. "Yes. We probably walked over a trip wire that turned on invisible UV lights which showed us this hidden message. Yup, that's it!"

"Mhm," Cloud hummed, obviously not buying.

The four continued on to find a huge double doors covered in the writing. To everyone's horror, they slowly opened by themselves. "The wind is, uh, very active tonight," Y/n mumbled.

"I'm game," Aerith smiled and Tifa was obviously scared.


"It'll be fine," Aerith smiled at Tifa as she waltzed over to Cloud and Y/n, hooping her arms through theirs and pulling them close. "We have my bodyguards, remember? Right?"

"Ghosts aren't my thing," Cloud sighed. Y/n just shrugged.

"I mean, can't say I'm a believer, but..." Y/n answered, her words trailing off. Tifa suddenly grabbed Cloud's other arm, which confused him. Y/n snickered as she realized he had two ladies hanging off both his arms.

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