CHAPTER FOUR: Doublesided

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So I finished the game and omlfnsns

Also Aerith is a gorgeous queen

On the way to Wall Market the trio found themselves talking to a guy that worked at the Chocobo carriages. They tried to talk to him and ask about Tifa, but he brushed him off. Until Sam came out. Y/n looked at him and paled. A fucking cowboy.

Her weakness.

Now listen. There are cowboys in this world that could fuck Y/n up. Arthur Morgan, Jessie McCree, Erron Black, and possibly this guy. It's a weakness she will never reveal.

Cloud narrowed his eyes when Sam walked out and down the stairs. He was a pretty built guy, dressed in a white button up and a brown vest. He was prettyyyyy hot. "Hmm... I don't know y'all. What's your story?"

Aerith was the one to speak up. "We're looming for a girl who took your carriage. Can you help us find her?"

Sam put his hand on the chocobo that was standing beside him. He looked over at the group and shrugged. "Depends. What do you want with this girl of yours?"

"Guess," Cloud cut in sharply. Y/n mentally sighed. "We want to save her-"

The chocobo crowed(?) loudly and Aerith took this moment to save the day. "-Save her from a life without This handsome guy!"


"So," Sam gave them his full attention. "That's how it is, huh? I got a lot of customers. Hard to keep track of em all."

Y/n took this chance to speak up. "We understand, we just need to know where she went. She's important to us. We'll pay you if that's want you want."

"No need," he sighed. "This Girl, what she look like?"

Since Cloud was the only one who has actually seen her (Y/n didn't need them to know what she knew), he said something along the lines of 'fit' and 'in good shape'. Y/n snorted. Cloud blushed and looked away from the h/c haired girl.

While Cloud and Aerith continued talking, Y/n made eye contact with the chocobo that was next to Sam. Ignoring the look that the stable hand gave her, she inched forward with hand out, about to touch the chocobo's soft looking feathers when a warm, big hand wrapped around her small one. Y/n slowly looked to the side to see Sam with an eyebrow raised. "Uh... it's cute. I couldn't just not pet it."

"You might wanna go catch up with your friends."

Y/n looked over to see Cloud and Aerith walked away, talking about something. Y/n huffed. "Those bitches, walking away like I DONT exist. Imma throw down if they don't- Nevermind, see ya!" Y/n didn't notice Sam's gaze and she ran to catch up with her partners.

When she caught up to them, she jumped on Cloud's back and pointed towards the gates. "Giddy-up!" Cloud learned already to just go with it, so he went along, holding onto Y/n's legs. "Make me proud girl, you a cowgirl. She did a handstand, like wow girl-"

"Y/n," Aerith giggled, "were here."

"Ugh," Y/n jumped off Cloud's back and crossed her arms at a street vendor that was offering free shit. Her gaze shifted to the city around her, taking in the bright neon and the trashy alleyways. The people looked like party goers and the streets smelled of alcohol. She inhaled deeply as they walked further in. "Reminds me of Vegas! Let's Go spend all our gil."

"No," Cloud disagreed, grabbing Y/n's arm as she tried to run towards a casino-like joint. "We gotta find Tifa."

As the trio walked down the streets towards Corneo's place, they couldn't help but be disgusted. That guy who called it the "pleasure capital" was definitely making it seem nicer than it was. Now, Y/n didn't care about people being hookers or strippers or dancers, it's a job, and hunty make that Gil- but she did have a problem with cat callers. So when some guy called out Aerith, she sucker punched him in the gut.

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