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Because Leslie deserves love 🥺 Also this like takes place in/before chapter five, but it's kinda like a 'what would've happened if' situation. So basically *this doesn't affect the storyline at all lmao*

Y/n had finally convinced Cloud and Aerith to let her run around Wall Market for a bit before they went to the colosseum. Y/n wanted to see the sights and experience some things, and also be alone for a bit. Her social meter was running a little low.

She found herself strolling checking out a weapons vendor across the street from the colosseum to see if there was anything interesting. She saw a few bits and bobs around, but nothing particularly useful for the upcoming battling she had to do.

She sighed, but quickly spun around when she heard a familiar voice call out her name. "Leslie?" Y/n tilted her head to the side.

"I have some questions for you," he said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. Y/n agreed to answer them, but only on one condition.

Y/n grinned, crossing her arms across her chest. "I'm about to go fight in the Corneo Cup, or whatever, and I don't think it's good to go fight on an empty stomach."

The silver haired lacky obviously was catching what Y/n was throwing, so he agreed to take her to a bar to grab some food. The restaurant he usually would've gone to was having some... Issues, you could say, with its food.

So, there the two were, sitting at a table in some nameless bar, drinking and eating. Leslie had explained he was on break for a while and that he wanted to ask about why Y/n wanted into Corneo's audition. "It's Not something you'd want to do, no matter how much you think you want to," Leslie sighed, frowning as he curled his hands into fists.

Y/n smiled sweetly at him, her bright e/c eyes shining in the dimly lit bar like a beacon in the night sky. "I appreciate your concern, I really do, but..." Y/n's shifted her attention to her plate, poking around whatever (meat/salad) she got with her fork. "Someone important is going to audition, and I can't let her do that. So, I'm gonna save her."

Leslie could feel the determination in her statement. He wanted to warn her, tell her that it was too dangerous. But he couldn't. There were ears everywhere. It was like King's Landing, no one was safe. You had to watch your back. He took a deep breath before speaking.

"I'm sure you can handle yourself, but Corneo plays dirty. You probably won't be able to get that girl out of there, or yourself. What if you get hurt? Or... Never heard from again? Just... Disappear?"

And there it was. Y/n knew all about his fiancé. She felt for him, she really did. She knew what it was like to lose a loved one like that. So, she grabbed his balled up hand in a comforting gesture from across the table and squeezed it in her own, smaller hand.

"Leslie, I'm not sure what happened, and I'm glad you're warning women about this, truly. You're an amazing guy for that, but I have a mission. I made a promise to my friend that I'd get her back safe. You have my word, as soon as I can I'll come find you and let you know that we all made it out. Also, I'm here for you to talk if you ever need it."

Leslie shifted his gaze to their intertwined hands. He hadn't felt that in a while. Comfort. Genuine concern for him. It was nice. It gave him hope. He also couldn't deny the fact that Y/n was, indeed, gorgeous. Her smile was brighter than the lamps up on the plates, and her eyes held a certain warmth that you could've only experience in person.

She really was someone special, and he would try his best to protect that from the clutches of this dark world.

"You better come back... I'm gonna have to take you on a proper date when you do."

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