CHAPTER 23: Deliverance from Chaos pt 1.2

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AS THEY WALKED OVER, Y/N WAS TOLD THAT AERITH and Tifa were seperated from them, so on their way up to the roof they were also trying to meet up again. That was all well and dandy, Y/n thought, but all this running around and puzzles were hella tiring. Not only that, but the "tests" Hojo left out for them made Y/n wanna lie back down in a pile of rubble.

As Barrett was messing around with Red with some door that opened up to the next area they needed to be in, Cloud got Y/n's attention by clearing his throat.

She turned her head to see the himbo- the merc crossing his arms and looking away at something else. "Sorry for not catching you this time."

Y/n just snorted, crossing her arms and looking back at Barrett. "Don't worry about me. You were dealing with other stuff. Besides, next time there's any falling, I'll be the one catching you. Don't worry about it."

"I do though," he looked at her this time, determined. "Worry about you, I mean. You're accident prone."

"Um... Thanks?"

He sighed. "I mean, I worry about you more than I would worry about the others."

Y/n furrowed her brows. "Are you saying I'm stupid?"

"What? No!"

"Save this for later," Barrett cut into the conversation, the door he was working on sliding open. "Let's go."

So they moved onto the next little challenge Hojo had laid out for them. It really wasn't much of a challenge, and Y/n wasn't sure how this was proving to be "valuable data." The monsters that Hojo would send after then were nothing they haven't fought before. But, as the mad scientist stood behind a force field above the fighting rooms, he stated that it was "good information for later."

Whatever, man.

The next room the entered, Hojo was standing in the same observing room above the fighting area, thinking.

Barrett pointed up at him. "Look. How's our chance to kill the bastard!" Lifting his arm, Barret began shooting at the force field. "Time for you to pay the piper!"

Much like Y/n predicted, the bullets bounced right off, Hojo safe behind the blue force field. Red started running at the open door as Hojo tried getting it closed, alarms blaring that the next test was to start.

Cloud slashed a piece of metal off the ground with his sword, it going underneath the door to stop it from closing, giving Red enough time to run through it.

Y/n's felt her heart beating fast as she saw Red pounce at Hojo, being stopped in mid air by something.

"Shit," exclaimed Barrett as the 3 of them watched Hojo walk away. "Looks
Like Red might need our help up there!"

Mechanical creatures began popping out of holes in the ground like a wack-a-mole game. Sighing, Y/n cracked her knuckles. "Ya'll take care of these guys, I'm going after Red."

Before they could respond, Y/n started sprinting at the open door, sliding underneath the little opening Cloud had made.

After Y/n got up the stairs and into the room Red was in, she noticed a floating robot that was probably the cause for the kitty dog floating in the air. With her fan blades, she made quick work of the machine.

Once Red fell to the floor, landing on all fours like a tire kitty cat, she ran over to him and made sure he was ok. Running a hand through his black hair, she held in the squeal she was wanting to make. She was finally petting him!

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