CHAPTER 25: The Destiny's Crossroads pt 2

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This is it for the first book of Delightful 😭 I've really loved writing this and I'm so glad you all have gotten this far 💕 from the bottom of my heart, thank you <3

There is an epilogue right after this (which y'all will love) and I'm posting the first chapter of my FFXV x Reader asap. Love y'all 💕

When they walked through the portal, nothing looked different. It was the same, empty highways. Barrett voiced the same thing aloud.

Aerith looked up, eyes wide. "Over there!"

Above them in the sky was a giant swarm of the Whispers in a cloud of purple lightning. They started forming a tornado, heading straight toward them.

"Okay, that ain't right!" yelled Barrett. Y/n couldn't help but agree.

Finally, they all began to run away from the purple tornado of death, it taking apart things in its path. But, they couldn't run too far because another one appeared in front of them. They were blocked in.

One by one, they were swept up by the tornado.

After flailing around in the air, Y/n landed on the ground with Barrett and Tifa. The three of them were back to back, surrounded by the Whispers.

Everything around them was floating high in the air above Midgar. A giant creature stood giant above them, a vortex in its hand sucking in all the debris before throwing it at something moving along the floating rubble.

Y/n didn't have to wait long to figure out what it was

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Y/n didn't have to wait long to figure out what it was. It was cloud. He ran towards them, making the Whispers disappear.

"You're alive!" called out Barrett.

The blond turned to look at him. "Happy to see me?"

"I wouldn't go that far."

The all turned their attention to the giant in the sky. It wasn't doing much, but Y/n was extremely disturbed. Especially when it threw that vortex ball. It was giving her Attack on Titan season 3, episode 16 vibes.

"So, that thing is a Whisper too, huh?" observed Cloud.

"Looks a lot more like an "arbiter of fate" than the others," said Barrett.

"We can beat them," Tifa announced. Y/n nodded in agreement, putting her right fist to her heart and her other arm behind her back.

"My soldiers rage," she sniffed.

Tifs just looked at her. "What?"

Before Y/n could answer, three different creatures that resembled mutated versions of Whispers Appleseed. Time to fight.

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Delightful // Cloud x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now