CHAPTER 19: Old Men are Annoying

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Right after the hologram fell apart, Y/n couldn't help but feel uneasy about what she saw. The others seemed on edge as well, especially Cloud.

"Crazy ass thing made me wanna puke. And not just because of the presentation, but the content too," said Barrett. "Outta come with a warning. That ain't for kids!"

Cloud hesitated, "That wasn't just a movie."

"That huge meteor... What was that about?" Tifa asked.  

"Like I said," Barret chimed in, one hand on his waist as if to be an authority. "Not something you should show kids."

Y/n frowned, crossing her arms over her chest. "I don't know if that last part was supposed to be there..."

Not wanting to think about it more, the group exited the Cosmo Theater. At the door, the tour guide's voice, now girlish, told them to make their way to the 62nd floor. Y/n almost groaned out loud at that, but the voice became distorted and cut off. Then, the door slid open to a man standing like that one emoji (if yk yk). 

The man was older and wore a suit like he belonged in colonial times. "Greetings and welcome. Avalance, I presume?" He bowed with one hand on his chest. "My name is Hart, and it's a pleasure to meet you."

Cloud walked towards him, so the rest followed suit. Y/n couldn't help but feel her fingers itch to grab her weapons. She did not have a good feeling about this guy. 

Hart continued, still with one hand at his chest. "I've come to escort you to Mayor Domino, per his request."

Barrett scoffed. "The mayor of Midgar? The empty suit that's just a  mouthpiece for Shinra?"


Y/n would've laughed at that if it weren't for the situation they were currently in. He just... Admitted to it. 

The old man continued on. "The mayor of our dear Midgar.. the mayor of the most magnificent city ever built. That Mayor. The visual Entertainment Hall has been experiencing technical difficulties of late, and he suspected these difficulties might impede your progress."

"Well, it's not like we wanted to tour anyway," snorted Y/n. "We're not on vacation."

Cloud nodded. "So what does the mayor want with us?"

"I'm afraid you will have to ask him that yourself."

So, the group followed the old man up escalators and through some rooms up to the 62nd floor. Y/n was glad to skip the climbing. The room they found themselves in was the "Cooperate Archives". Usually, a room with two floors filled top to bottom with books would make Y/n excited, but these weren't the kind of books she likes. 

"Look at this place!" Barret said. "So what, you telling me the mayor is some kind of crazy book worm?"

The old man just gestured for them to follow him. He led them to a bookshelf across the room. He pulled on a certain book, which opened the bookshelf to reveal another library. Y/n was pretty amazed. Once more, he led them over to a set of oak doors and told them to enter there.

Barrett stepped up and pointed at the old man. "If this is a trap, you're a dead man, y'hear?"

Inside the room it was dark. There was a big desk at the back wall, and the walls were screens of security footage. Some of the footage was them, making their way throughout the building.

"This can't be right," said Barrett.

An old man's voice let out a sound of greeting. "Ah, you finally made it!" Behind the main desk in a chair was the Mayor Domino, as blad as Pitbull, and a cool ass beard. "I am the mayor of the great metropolis of mako. Domino, at your service." 

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