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Y/N FELT LIKE ABSOLUTE SHIT. HER HEAD HURT AND SHE FELT LIKE a giant slab of metal was laying on her.

Oh, there was.

Y/n groaned, pushing as hard as she could to move the metal. Heaving a sigh, it finally fell behind her, setting her free. She pushed herself off the ground and dusted off her sweats, scanning the area for anyone.

"Cloud!" she called out. "Tifa! Barret! Fuckin anyone!"

The area she was in was covered with debris from the plate, so much so she was surprised she wasn't crushed. She didn't know where she was and the panic of being lost set in. "Breathe," she coached herself. She started to cough once she took a breath and covered her mouth with her hand. "Not too hard. Stupid dust."


Hearing her name, the girl spun around to see Cloud and Tifa heading her way. Breathing a sigh of relief, she placed a hand on her chest. "Thank fuck, I thought I was gonna be lost forever."

Tifa smiled at her. It seemed like a sad one. Y/n didn't blame her. Her home and friends just got crushed beneath a trillion pounds of steel. "We could never leave you behind."

Tifa continued up ahead as she heard Barret call out for them. Y/n was about to run after her, but stopped when she felt a hand grab hers. Her eyes darted up to Cloud's. He wasn't looking at her, but she could see the faintest hint of pink on his cheeks. "Let's go."

Cloud pulled Y/n ahead, only letting go of her hand to crawl under things or to shimmy through tight spaces. Otherwise, their hands were still intertwined. Y/n was grateful.

They found Barret crouching on the ground softly repeating Marlene's name before screaming it out. He also started to scream for Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie. He looked broken. Y/n wanted to comfort him, but she wasn't sure how. So, she just softly said his name.

He started to slam his fist into the rubble again, and again, and again. Y/n let go of Cloud'a hand and rushed over to Barret. She placed her hand over Barret's before he could hit the wall again.

Y/n moved his hand closer to her and inspected it to make sure he didn't hurt it. Seeing it was only his glove that was scuffed, she placed her hand in his and smiled up at him. "Barret, I'm sorry. But don't lose hope. Aerith was sent to go get Marlene and take her somewhere safe. I'm sure she did that."

Tifa came closer and placed her hand on Barret's arm. She seemed in a trance as she flatly said, "It was us. We did this..."

Barret tightened his grip on Y/n's hand. "No... You can't think like that. Whatever came before, it was Shinra that pulled the trigger today. Am I right?!" He sounded not so sure if himself at the last part.

Her turned around to see Tifa's hands shaking. "Yeah..."

Barret grabbed Tifa's hand. "Hold onto this... Anger, okay?" Afterwards, he wrapped Tifa in a one handed hug.

Y/n made her way back next to Cloud, who hung back to give Tifa and Barret their moment. Y/n looked down at her hands. "D-Do you think I could've saved Jessie? Shit... If I stayed with Aerith she wouldn't have been taken... I should've listened to you."

Cloud just glanced at her, taking in how sad she looked. Her e/c eyes threatened to spill tears. So, he did something he didn't think he'd do. He pulled her into a hug. He put his hand on her head, pushing her face into his chest and wrapped his other arm around her waist. She didn't hesitate to hug back.

They stopped hugging after a minute, and Cloud grabbed Y/n's hand before walking a bit closer to Barret. "Barret, it's like Y/n said. Marlene's fine. Aerith found her."

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