CHAPTER TEN: Turk Two-Step

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we getting close to running out of Gordon

Also tifa and Cloud it is 😊


"Y/n, I don't get your references," Aerith sighed as they continued walking to sector seven. Y/n just shrugged in response.

"We made it!" Tifa yelled, running to the gates. She put her hands on the gate right as a chopper flew by to the pillar.

"We have to get inside!" Y/n said. Tifa nodded and ran ahead, Aerith running after her. Cloud and Y/n looked at each other for a second before running after them.

They made an agreement, it seemed. They were make sure they did their best to save everyone. And stay safe while doing it.

When they made it to an open area, just right outside the city, those spectral things showed up out of nowhere, blocking their path. "Take out the purple glowy one!" Y/n yelled, slipping her fans out of her holsters. "Expecto patronum, morherfucker!"

Everyone did just that, and in minutes the dementor- spectral entities were taken down.

The three of them made it to the base of the pillar, looking up after they heard Barret's familiar, loud voice. All of a sudden, they heard a scream. Y/n gasped and watched as Wedge fell from the pillar. He tried to stop it with a grapple gun, but ended up falling anyway.

He hit the ground with a thud and the group ran to him. Y/n's instinct kicked in from nursing school and all the training she's had to do and ran to his side. "Hey, can hear me?" After doing a few checks, nothing seemed broken.

"Where did you lean to be that quick?" asked Aerith as Tifa and Cloud talker to him.

"In my home dimension I was a nursing student. Getting my RN," Y/n rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.

Aerith poked her nose. "You never talk about your home. We should talk about it sometime."

Y/n smiled. "Yeah, sure. Sometime."

Cloud got up and faced the three. "Stay with Wedge, I'm going up."

Y/n stopped him from leaving. "Hey, wait, I'm going too!"

"No," he said, pausing for a little too long while looking her in the eyes. "You seem to have medical knowledge or something. Stay with him."

Then he ran off.

Y/n sighed, frustrated. She understood the logic, but she couldn't help but be mad. "Fine..." she grumbled, even if he was gone.

Aerith put a hand on Y/n's shoulder. "Let's help Wedge."


After Aerith and Tifa gave Wedge an inspiring speech, Y/n thought that she should catch up with Cloud. So, after making sure they weren't looking, she ran for it.

She took down a bunch of guards on the way, but then ran into something she didn't think she'd see. Biggs. Laying there against a wall. "Biggs..." Y/n whispered before running over and checking for a pulse. "No..."

Wiping a stray tear, she made her way up further. The heard gunshots. A lot of them. It wasn't until she saw bright lights of a chopper did she know what was happening. And guess who was in the chopper?

"Stairs," said Rude from the chopper. Reno gasped when he saw who was coming.

"It's pretty girl!" Reno seemed pretty excited. He put his hands on the control stick for the machine gun and instead of shooting her, he shot the staircase she was on.

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