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REMEMBER WHEN Y/N WANTED A SHOWER? THE UNIVERSE MUST'VE wanted to laugh at her since, instead of a shower, they made her fall into a room filled with water. From where, who knows? All Y/n knew is that she was wet from head-to-toe, lost, smelled, and alone.

Lungs burning, Y/n pushed as hard as she could to get to the surface, not stopping for anything. Once her face felt the cold air, she took a deep breath in, savoring the air. Luckily Y/n knew how to swim or else she would be dead here. "CLOUD! TIFA? BARRET?! ANYONE?"

Letting out a groan in annoyance, Y/n accepted that her friends weren't around and decided to see if there was anything she could stand on. Taking a quick glace around, Y/n noticed that the water she was in was probably sewer water due to the giant pipes that came out of the wall. They no longer had water flowing out of them so she could assumed they hadn't been used in a while. It was still gross, but at least she knew no one was gonna take a dump on her.

While looking around, she did notice a ladder that led to a catwalk that was a couple feet above the pool she was in. All she had to do was swim over to it and hope it didn't break due to it having been rusted. She really tried to ignore the feeling of the algae or whatever was sticking to the surface of the water as she waded her way to the ladder, but it was seriously gross.

"Ugh." Y/n gripped the ladder and started to climb, halting if she felt the ladder creak at all. "You ever just want to commit seppuku?"

Now that she was on the catwalk there was only one way to go and it was straight. The corridors were small and the lighting wasn't a vibe since she could barely see anything. Not to mention she was freezing. It was like Jack Frost himself was giving her a hard time.

Squinting, Y/n noticed that further down the corridor that there was a door with a dim, yellow light above it. Sprinting over to it, she threw the door open to find that the room was a break/surveillance room. One wall was covered with screens that showed different rooms and the water room she was in while the other parts of the room held lockers for the workers to store their items. After shaking the feeling that she was in a Resident Evil game and that Mr. X was gonna break through the wall and squish her head, she tried to pry open the lockers.

One of the lockers were unlocked, which was wonderful seeing as inside it was a big jacket and construction gloves. Despite both being a fashion tragedy, Y/n slipped them on a savored the warmth they provided. The jacket was especially warm due to the inside of it being some kind of fur and it just being snug since it was huge. The gloves were scratchy and too big on her hands, but she wore them anyway since her fingers felt like they were gonna snap off.

"Okay," Y/n sighed, pushing her wet hair out of her face. "Lets hope I don't have to fight. The gloves will definitely limit my fan usage."

After a bunch of more walking down the corridor, it opened up to a big room that held some big cages and more catwalks. The room only went up seeing as the wall opposite of her was just all stairs. It was the way she needed to go anyway, so she didn't complain.

As she walked down the path to get to the stairs, she jumped as a bloodhound tried to reach her from inside the cage. Placing a hand over her racing heart, she used her other hand to take out her fan. The glove she wore was in the way of her properly holding the fan, but has she tried to remove it, the hound broke open the cage door and tackled her to the ground.

Letting out a yelp as her back smacked the ground, which the sound it made was a bit concerning, she tried slipping her glove in the hound's mouth and using it as a way to push it back from biting her face off.

Since both of her hands were now occupied from holding the dog back she only had her legs, and it didn't take her 3 seasons to realize that they were useful.

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