EXTRA STORY: Lunch Break

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Thank you guys for being so patient with me and loving this book. It means a lot!

This extra takes place when cloud runs around helping people while Aerith does flower shit

It was one of those days in the sector five slums where it was hotter than usual. The sun beating down onto the dusty terrain, the metal houses shining in everyone's faces and becoming warm to the touch. Normally the sun didn't bother Y/n, but today it did.

It also didn't help that Cloud decided to run errands and help people in between missions, dragging Y/n along in the process. Aerith was chilling with the orphans and doing her uwu flower queen thing, so it was just the two of them running in the heat.

Y/n sighed as she walked behind Cloud, the merc taking a look at his map every so often to make sure he was on the right track. He had taken no mind to Y/n's complaining since he really couldn't care less if her 'legs were gonna fall off' or if 'she melted into a puddle'. He didn't really know her all too well, but by the way she fought Reno he knew she could hold her own. The heat wasn't gonna kill her.

With a sigh, Y/n crossed her arms and stared at the back of Cloud's head, watching as his fluffy, but spiky, blonde hair bounced as he walked. His hair looked really soft. Without realizing it, Y/n's Hand was slowing inching closer to the blondie's head, a look of pure bliss in the girl's e/c eyes.

Before her fingers could even graze his hair, Cloud whipped around and grabbed her wrist, his mako eyes glaring daggers into her own. The only thing Y/n could think about was, "Oh, to be Yoonbum's ankles right now."

Instead of of commenting on the situation, Cloud released her wrist and pointed towards a joint that was across the pathway. "You hungry?"

Ignoring the embarrassment of being caught, Y/n grinned and nodded.

The two walked into the food place and was immediately hit by a/c. It was amazing. The place was like an old diner that Y/n would see in movies that were set in the 50s, or for some reason Riverdale. Why did Riverdale have a 50s themed diner? Why is Riverdale a thing? Do people actually like it? Because why? Like, don't get me wrong, I've loved Cole Sprouse since I saw him in Suite Life of Zack and Cody, but shit.

Anyway, Y/n made her way to a seat while Cloud grabbed menus from the front before taking a seat across from his companion. Y/n had decided on (food choice) while Cloud wanted sushi. After the two gave the waitress their orders, they got their drinks and waited.

"So, where are you from?" Y/n was a little surprised Cloud asked questions since he was usually pretty quiet.

"Well, like I told Aerith, pretty sure I'm in the wrong dimension." Y/n whispered that last part. "I have no clue how I got here, but I like it better than where I'm from. I just... Can't help but wonder if I'll be in the way."

Cloud shrugged. "Yeah.l

Ah. A man of few words. "Well, where are you from?"

Cloud seemed hesitant to answer, but before he could answer, the waitress sat down their plates. Y/n thanked her and started to eat, forgetting the question she asked.

"Why did you try to touch my hair?"

Y/n started to choke on her (food), wishing that she was Aizawa's elbow. Taking a swig of her water, she awkwardly laughed while Cloud was just fine, eating his sushi. "Well, yknow, the heat was getting to my head and your hair just looked really soft and I wanted to touch it. Also what gel do you use? Cause your hair is breaking all types of physics."

Cloud just shrugged.

To say the rest of their lunch was awkward was for sure an understatement. Y/n tried to ask Cloud questions, but he would usually not respond or just say one word. Like, yesss Cloud, give us nothing.

After paying and making their way outside, Y/n groaned as she said goodbye to the wonderful air conditioner. As soon as she crossed the threshold, heat punched her in the face like Gon did to Hisoka, only she didn't go flying.

"So, what's next on the agenda?" Y/n asked, taking a look at the map was holding.

"I told that lady I'd help find her kids, the ones with the wooden swords on their backs."

Y/n nodded, her eyes scanning the crowd of people walking the streets before spotting at kid at the entrance of the sector, a wooden buster sword on his back. "Found one."

"That was quick."

As the two approached the kid, he spun around with a grin. "Hey, you two are the ones that hang out with Aerith! Are you guys dating?"

Y/n's face heated up, but so did Cloud's. "Uh, no," Cloud said awkwardly, crossing his arms and shifting his feet. "We came to tell you that your teacher-"

"Oh, no! I didn't realize the time! Gotta go. Thanks, love birds!"

Cloud averted his gaze from Y/n and sighed. "Well... That's one kid."

"Oh," Cloud stopped walking for a moment, turning to face Y/n. "About you being here, you're here for a reason,  I guess. Just make the best of it. You're cool to be around... So, yeah. Don't go thinking you being here was a mistake."

Sorry if it seemed boring, I'm just trying to get back into the writing habit. I'm slowly working on chapter 12 so hopefully that'll be out soon.

Thanks for all the love ❤️

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