CHAPTER 25: Destiny's Crossroads

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After this we have one last chapter and then the epilogue

also a poll:

-Final Fantasy XV book

-Obey Me! book

Both will be out eventually but I wanna know what I should focus on first! Also follow the gram (deadku_shit) and thank you to all who have already!

The breeze felt nice on Y/n's face as she stared up at the night sky. She was about to relax for a moment before she heard Barrett yell for them to look back at Shinra's headquarters. Cloud stopped his bike and spun it to face the building.

Whispers I'm the thousands circled the entire building like a dark tornado. It was like something out of a horror movie.

"It's like the whole damn building is made of em'," said Barrett.

"I don't understand. What are they doing?" asked Tifa.

Aerith shrugged. "Who knows..."

Barrett seemed alarmed for a moment, taking a few steps forward. "Wedge- you don't think he's caught in all that, do you?"

"If he did, I hope he's okay," replied Tifa.

Red cut in with, "They're coming!"

Barrett asked who, but that question was answered quickly. A bunch of SOLDIERS on motorcycles headed their way and fast.

"Time to go!" Cloud yelled.

Cloud told Y/n to hop into the bed of the truck with Barrett and Red so he could use his sword freely. Y/n gladly obliged.

As they raced down the high way, Y/n watched as the SOLDIERS surrounded Cloud. He was holding his own, quickly disposing of them with a few swings, but as more came Y/n decided to be of service. Barrett had the same idea.

As Barrett shot down SOLDIERS, Y/n used the twin pistols she found earlier to shoot some down.

"Can you guys drive in a straight line!?" Y/n yelled out as she shot the tire of one motorcycle, making it and it's driver fly off the edge of the highway. "Bayonetta would be proud."

Not only was it hard to aim, but dodging Red's flaming tail was a pain as well. And, as if things couldn't get any worse, an armored vehicle pulled next to them and began shooting.

At Barrett's distressed sound, Y/n looked ahead to see a giant barricade with shielded soldiers blocking the way.

Cloud drove ahead, using his buster sword to take out the wheel of the armored truck, which took a few SOLDIERS out.

With bright lights above, Y/n looked to see a helicopter flying ahead of them. "Guys, we got 5 stars on GTA!"

"Whatever that means!" Barrett yelled out, using his machine gun arm to take out SOLDIERS ahead of them.

Finally they went under a covered area do the helicopter posed no threat for now, but now there was spinning robot things that threw blades at them.

Cloud kept missing it, but Y/n decided she'd go after it with her blades. It was a good choice, she thought, as the machine exploded after she embedded her flame into its face.

They all looked ahead to see bombs attacked to the ceiling of the highway. Y/n ducked as the explosions went off, feeling the heat as they sped through it. If it weren't for the whispers, the group would've been crushed by the rubble.

"Guess we owe you another one!" Barrett shouted.

Only problem was now they were out in the open and the helicopter was targeting them again. Barrett focused his sights on the helicopter, while Y/n did what she could for Cloud.

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