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Hope you like the lil fluff goin on, more in the future ;)

Also It is 2am so forgive me if there are any mistakes. Also Im typing on a computer when i usually use a phone, so i aint used to the keyboard yet lol 

Also sorry for lack of humor, from here on out it should be a bit funnier


THE CREW ENDED UP TAKING WEDGE TO ELMIRA'S HOUSE. Barret apologized to her, saying they didn't know where else to go, but Elmira said that she'd never leave a wounded man on the street.

The room was quiet and Y/n felt her muscles relax due to the fact she would have a good nights rest soon, but tensed once Cloud started talking. He wanted Elmira to reconsider letting them go get Aerith.

"Not this again," Elmira turned away. Cloud explained that they had found underground testing lab that belong to Shinra, saying it wasn't the first and definitely not the last time they'd test on people.

"I know these people," Cloud stated. "She's the last living ancient on the planet. Think about what that means to Shinra's scientists. Especially to that son of a bitch, Hojo. We're all just numbers and meat to him."

Y/n frowned. The longer Hojo had Aerith the longer she was in danger. Y/n couldn't just rest knowing that Aerith was being poked at like a lab rat.

"Enough!" Y/n jumped. Cloud tried to continue, but Tifa put a hand on his shoulder as if to say stop. "Please, I need some time to think. You've all had a long day. Why don't you go upstairs and get some rest." Elmira's tone became softer at the end of her sentence. It was obvious she was concerned and wanted to do something for Aerith, but she was frightened. Y/n felt for her. No parent should be put in a situation like this one.

Sleeping arrangements were kinda of awkward to figure out since there was four of them and one bed. Barret took the space next to the bed while Cloud took the wall next to the door. Tifa offered to share the bed with Y/n, but the dimensional traveler declined. She thanked Tifa, but explained that she was comfortable on the floor.

It was dark in the room, the only source of light coming from the moon leaking through the slightly ajar window. Y/n could hear the chirping of crickets, or whatever this world's equivalence of one, outside, mixed with the soft flow of water from the stream. Even though it was only a few hours before the sun would peak from the horizon, Y/n wasn't tired. You'd think after a hot bath and a change of clothes that her eyelids would be heavy, but she was wide awake.

Sitting up from the floor in her designated corner of the room, Y/n let her e/c eyes glaze over the room. Everyone was fast asleep. Even Cloud, who was probably in the most uncomfortable sleeping position, was sleeping peacefully. Deciding that she needed a little breath of air, Y/n tiptoed her way out the door, slowly pulling it open to avoid as many creaking sounds as she could. 

As she got to the bottom of the steps, Y/n peeked over the banister to make sure no one was there in the living room. After realizing the coast was clear, she made a silent sprint towards the front door, skillfully avoiding knocking anything over. Once she was finally off the porch, her bare feet hitting the soft grass, she took a deep breath and felt relaxed. She even saw the perfect place to stargaze. It was a bit higher up and was right above the water.

The pathway there was surrounded by flowers and fireflies, making the late night experience even more worth it. Once Y/n made it to the spot, she collapsed in the grass and looked up at the sky. The sounds of the outdoors was more prominent, seeing as she was now outdoors, which made her feel a bit giddy. It reminded her of how she used to sneak out at night as a little girl to watch the moon, and even stayed till sunrise on those summer nights. The pure rush of sneaking out of her house was enough to satisfy her rebellious needs, but now? She wouldn't know where to start telling her younger self all the adventures she had gone on.

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