Niall;Katie - Fall In Love

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Sitting in front of the circle of primary school children Niall looked at their faces to see them project nothing but joy back to the older boy who many of them were a fan of. This was one of the perks of being in a boyband he got to go places, see people that he might not have had a chance to if he was still the normal boy from Mullingar. And that's why he was here today without his bandmates reading a story to the young children from a less fortunate comprehensive school or rather, He was going to tell them a story that many of them were going to think he just made up but really it was a story of real experiences, His own experiences..

As the teacher introduced him Niall had one last run through of the order he'd tell the children things in and how he'd say it before answering their questions at the end in a way that their developing brains would understand but as he took his place on a chair making him now only a few inches taller than the children infront of him all his thoughts washed away and it was now all the attention was on him, His palms began to sweat but his mouth also began to move as the words flew out.

"Well this stories about a girl and a boy, They grew up together from when they were babies and did everything together, by the time they were both 16 years old he'd fallen in love with his bestfriend and when she was around him his whole mood would become better and his face showed nothing but pure joy towards her, But his bestfriend was already too badly upset. All her other friends had hurt her and she didn't think anybody cared about her anymore, She didn't have the slightest clue that the boy loved her, well atleast he didn't think she did. All he ever wanted to do was make her happy so that he could see her smile and sometimes it'd work and all the time wasted trying to make it happen would be worth it.
 He knew her heart was protected because she had her walls wrapped all the  way around it making sure nobody could get close enough to hurt her like other people had done. She thought she'd never love again but the boy had a saying, 'You can't fly unless you let yourself fall' nobody knew if the girl would believe him but he wished she would then maybe she'd know that he loved her all along so that maybe she'd love him too. He often asked himself who would be the one to make her believe again, Like tinkerbell had peter pan to convince everyone fairies exsisted well now this boy needed someone to help his bestfriend"

By now some of the teachers had tears in their eyes as they read the look on Nialls face as he told the story, His emotions read heartbroken, lost, hopeful yet defeated and most importantly love. They knew this wasn't another made up fairytale, they knew he was describing his life and they'd never say anything but they wanted to know if the boy everyone thought had all he wanted got the one thing he really needed more than anything, his happy ending.
 Children all around the room began to question the blonde pop sensation as he took a second to disperse of the lump in his throat that had gathered as he relived the memories of the girl with the brown eyes, and burgandy hair, The girl that could take his breath away just by entering the room and all these thoughts are what made Niall soldier on in his story.

"A few months after watching his bestfriend suffer the boy finally decided he was going to tell her, He didn't want to see her hurt anymore and he thought he could be the one to solve all her problems but when he came home, he was too late. She'd found someone else to love and slowly but surely she didn't need her bestfriend anymore, She had a boyfriend and that was everything she needed in her life so he left her alone. A few weeks later she moved out of his house and in with her boyfriend, She didn't know that her old bestfriend still sat by the door waiting for the day she'd come home but it never happened, He later found out she'd moved away but his feelings never changed, and on the last night before he moved even further away he used his famous saying 'You can't fly unless you let yourself fall' and that's exactly what he didn't do. He was too late but maybe he'd see her again one day and maybe just maybe this time she'd feel the same way."

Teachers in the background now had tears strolling down their faces, The children that were old enough to understand were beginning to catch on that this wasn't how normal fairytales ending, they began to figure out that not everything was as it was being told, they knew he was lying but didn't want to question the boy as even people that didn't know the full truth behind the story could see that he was hanging onto the last piece of happiness he had before it disappeared and he snapped. After a few minutes of people sitting in silence replaying the whole story in their heads, hands began to fly up in the air as questions began bubbling around in the childrens brains causing Niall to worry slightly at just what they may ask him.

"What's her name?"  Katie
"Did she come back?" No
"Is the boy okay?" Not really
"Did the girl ever find out?" He's not sure
Were just some of the questions asked and as he answered them he was careful as to what he said but just when he thought he was finished one question was called from somewhere in the back of the room.

"What would you say to her now?"

"I'd tell her that i still love her and that if she's afraid then i understand because it's okay to be. Falling in love is hard because you can never tell between the people who are going to hold your heart on a stand and keep it there for the rest of their lives from the people who are going to hold it there for only a little while before they let it drop along with the person it belongs too because i know how it feels too. I know what it's like to put yourself on the line and it not turn out the way you want it too but you learn from previous mistakes and sooner or later in life fate will helps things turn out right"
 It took Niall a few seconds to realise the confessions he'd just made, 1 he'd just told everyone it was his life story, 2 he'd just confessed his feelings to school children, 3 and he didn't even know who asked the question but his eyes didn't give up the search and they quickly landed on a girl that looked around his age that was probably a teaching assistant or something of the sort but that wasn't what struck him most, It was the fact that she was familiar to him.... Too familiar and the wide eyes and tears in her eyes told him everything he needed to know, It was Katie.

Saying a quick goodbye to everyone Niall quickly left the school with the lump now firmly back in his throat as he tried to fight back the tears of a reunion he never thought would happen. He wanted to run back to the hotel him and the boys were staying in, pack their bags and move on to the next country on their tour schedule but he knew he couldn't do that. He'd just told her that fate would bring them to the person they were meant to be with whilst being brought back together with the one he wished he'd never lost in the first place.
 When he was sure the mental debate in his head had stopped his hearing focused on the sound of footsteps approaching from behind him and immediatly came to a stop, It was time to make the past 2 years of no contact right. It was time to see if it was his time to fly because he was sure she was going to let him down and that would make him fall.

"Niall, I'm sorry i left you 2 years ago. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I'm sorry for bringing Luke back to our apartment and making you too late, i wish you weren't because then i would have told you i loved you too and maybe the past 2 years would have turned out differently. I'm not sorry for loving you though Ni. I don't know why i followed you out here because that story is two years old, You've moved on and i'm here reminded of you everytime i turn my television on telling me about Britains biggest boyband coming to America. I just wanted you to know im sorry."
 It was like the world around them froze as Katie went to walk away once more but she didn't get very far because as soon as she'd moved as little as 2 steps she was being pulled back and face to face with the boy she thought would let her go.

"I'm not about to let you go again, I loved you then and you'd be crazy if you think it'd be that easy to move on within the space of 2 years. I told you when we were little that you can't fly unless you let yourself fall, well here i am i've taken the plunge and i'm flying but my only question is, will you take the flight with me?"
 Not even seconds later their hands were connected and smiles were printed on their faces and the 3 letter word he was so desperate to hear left her mouth.

They were together, They'd taken the plunge, They'd fallen in love, They'd both found fate.

They shared their first kiss and in that moment no time span mattered because this was just the worlds way of testing their love for eachother and they'd passed.

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