Niall;Shannon - Then And Now.

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  AN; Sorry for not updating as often anymore, I'm really busy with school but if you want a one shot you can still request them! Comment on the first page not the stories. If you mail me i won't get them because mails messed up for me, That should be all, Enjoy!

KatieJade143 xox

If you've have me at the age 17 what i had planned out for my future i would have told you i was hoping to become a nursery teacher, I was hopefully going to have my own house and car, A longtime boyfriend of possibly husband and then at some point after that have children together and live out the rest of my life with the people that made me happy.

 If you'd have asked me at the age of 20 what i had planned out for my future i would tell you that i was hoping to keep my job of being a nursery teacher, Hoping to have a bigger house and better car, Wanting my boyfriend to propose and have my first child with him then spend the rest of my life with him and however many children we have.

Finally if you asked me now at the age of 23 what i had planned out for my life i would tell you that i plan on continuing my job whilst my fiancee became worked as an engineer, Not bothered if i have the biggest or smallest house around and as for a car? It could be the oldest one and i wouldn't care because i plan on marrying the man i love the most and having a child with him.

 That's why here i was pacing up and down the living room floor trying to ease the pain in my stomach the slightest bit as each contraction decided to speed up, As i moved direction my feet met with several small objects also on the floor nearly causing me to fall but thankfully i regained my balance and kept my walking pace even whilst i waited for Niall to come down from the bedroom with my hospital bag,

 I guess this is where i should fill you in huh? Well when i was 18 i don't really know what happened but some people call it fate, I was back home from university to spend christmas with my family when i noticed that we had some new neighbours and they were going into our house, I was instantly introduced to their son who happened to be the blonde hair beauty himself.

 As he stopped by my side i noticed how his cheeks had a tint of red inked in them from all the running around he'd done upstairs, His eyes were still shining as bright as they always do and the smile on his face was unmissable along with the small giggle that came out of my mouth as i noticed his breathing was fast and showed no signs of slowing down causing him to turn to me and give a raised eyebrow.

 "Something funny?" He asked with a slight smirk and i just bit my lip and looked down.

"Just the fact at how your so perfect" I smiled as i felt my chin being lifted up so that i was now face to face with my fiancee.

"And that's funny how?" He questioned further but just as i was about to reply i felt another sharp pain go through my stomach reminding me as to why we were stood here in the first place, Noticing my renewed pain i was quickly being ushered into the corridor so i could slip my shoes on before Niall tried to pick me up but i decided it'd be easier if i tried to walk so together hand in hand after all the lights had been turned out and the door locked we walked hand in hand to the car when he made sure i was safetly buckled in before setting off towards the hospital.

  10 minutes later we pulled up outside the double doors after avoiding every red light and all the oncoming traffic quite easily to say it was only 8pm on a thursday night, It didn't take long upon parking for Niall to be at my side with the bag and holding his hand out for me to take and then switched so i was entwining his arm with mine so i had more support right until we were safetly in the building and being wheeled in a wheelchair into a room that would be the place our first child was born.

 Whilst i was being changed into a gown Niall was outside being told instructions on what was going to happen and how to support me and i couldn't help but notice how his smile just seemed to be getting bigger by the second and it made me momenterilly forget about the pain i was going through and what was going to be happening over the next few hours, I could have stayed in my daydream forever but unfortunatley all good things come to an end and before i knew it i was being led back to the big bed in the middle of the room and prepared.

 Once i'd taken a firm hold on Nialls hand i listened to the midwife as she told me what to do and as i began following her instructions i couldn't help but smile as i heard Niall whispering sweet nothings into my ear trying to keep me calm and surprisingly it worked as somehow it allowed my mind to wander back in time at all the memories we'd shared, When we met, Our first date, First kiss, Our first time, Moving in together and last but not least him proposing.

 I don't know how long i was stuck in my thoughts but i was suddenly broke out of the remenising stage as i heard an ear piercing cry come from the bottom of the bed and when i tore my eyes away from the bright blue orbs i'd become lost in, In the first place i came face to face with my baby, My baby boy.

 As he was placed in my arms and i held him for the first time with the love of my life sat on the bed beside me i realised that even with my flashbacks from then and now the future was what was important because i'd achieved everything i ever wanted and i couldn't wait to see how it all turned out.

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