Narry Storan; I'll Always Be Here.

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  After 4 months of sneaking around and keeping their relationship hidden between the four walls of whatever hotel room they were staying in or whoevers house they'd done it. They'd finally come out to the world and what's better? Everyone seemed to be ecstatic for the duo because as soon as all the equipment had been turned off and they went off air people began coming up to them and wishing them well with people throwing in the odd congratulations.

 This continued until they were finally allowed to meet the fans that had seen the interview from outside as a treat from the boys for being so dedicated to the extent that they'd camped out all night, They'd all be lying if they said they weren't in the slightest bit nervous at coming face to face with a big crowd but once Harry had whispered sweet nothings into Nialls ear to calm him down they were ready so in one swift movement the doors were open and the boys were all being pushed in different directions even splitting the inseperable couple up.

At first people were being sweet telling both Niall and Harry how happy they were and how they couldn't have wanted any other bromance to get together more than Narry except for Larry and Niam that came in a close second but either way they were still proud. It wasn't until the people from the back of the crowds got to come forward that the mood of both boys changed as instantly they began getting hate, For instance Niall went up to a girl that looked lonely but she instantly turned on him.

"You were my idol, I can't have a gay idol! What were you thinking Niall?! This is so wrong! She yelled right in the poor blondes face causing the hair on the back of his neck to stand up as he thought she was going to become crazier and attack him. He tried looking for the other boys but it didn't go to well as all he could see was a mop of curls getting further away.

 Little did Niall know that it was Harry running, He couldn't take it. Niall was only getting 1/6 people giving him hate where as his boyfriend had a good 4/6 and it was breaking his heart more than he'd ever tell anyone which is why when the girl had yelled in his face the strong exterior he'd spent so long building up came crashing down by his feet as his heart shattered into a million pieces whilst her voice replayed over and over in his head.

 "Your disgusting! I used to look upto you but this world has no hope if there's more people like you in it! Gays are wrong and shouldn't be allowed on this earth so why don't you leave Harry and take Niall with you or maybe you should just leave by yourself and spare him because he could become normal again but it's too late for you, Your vermin and i hate you" She spat in his face before walking away asif nothing had ever happened but he knew she was right, He should leave and spare Niall so he ran.

 It wasn't until Louis came running at Niall full speed with a look of pure worry written all across his features that something in his tummy told him the news he was going to recieve would be bad so he prepared himself for the worse but his heart just about broke when Louis told him what the girl had said to Harry and that he'd run off, He said a quick goodbye and thank you to the supporitve fans before taking off in the direction he'd been given by Louis.

 The other boys gave him a reassuring smile as he passed them to continue running down the street. After around 5 minutes he gave up. There was no way he was going to find his boyfriend in a place as big as this... Well that was until he saw a girl with a One Direction tshirt came walking past and a brilliant idea struck him as he tapped on her shoulder and her mouth dropped when she noticed just who he was.

"Yes love, I'm Niall but please don't scream. Look i need to know if you've seen Harry around here, He's crying and i really need to get to him." He explained and the girl looked to be thinking before a memory hit her but she just hadn't realised at the time. She had seen Harry less than 5 minutes ago infact.

"Yeah, He was in my hotel. You guys are my neighbours" She told him so whilst running Niall shouted a quick thank you to the girl who apparently shared the same floor in the hotel he ran as fast as his legs could carry him back to the place where the love of his life was probably sitting heartbroken on the floor.

Little did Niall know that Harry was way past being heartbroken and was now sat with all the doors locked in his shared room with Niall holding a blade to his wrist slowly letting it glide gently cutting the skin allowing a shallow line of red to appear over the white line that had been caused by the skin ripping open.

He didn't want to, Heck no he didn't but he couldn't bring himself to leave Niall and the boys after everything they'd been through these past few years together so he thought that if he cut then when the blood ran out of his wrist it would bring the gay out with it too so when it came to telling everyone he'd just simply say he didn't love Niall anymore but still wanted to be his bestfriend like he was before then the fans would get what they want and Niall would never have to know why the split took place.

 That's why he continued placing cuts up his arms and along his wrists for the next few minutes until he heard a noise that made his blood run cold, He heard the door downstairs slam against the frame as it opened and then again as it was closed, He heard the running through the hallway and up the stairs instantly stopping outside the bathroom and he also heard the heavy panting of the irishman stood outside the door silently begging the younger lad to come out.

 Minutes passed and Harry remained silent in hopes the blonde boy had left but he couldn't be sure since he'd been too busy crying he couldn't make judgement on whether Niall had indeed left or if he was sat outside waiting for his appearance.

Deciding it was time to come out anyway Harry cleaned his arms of all the dried blood that had just been left to dry further for the past 20 minutes then grabbed his Jack Wills sweatshirt off the toilet seat where he'd thrown it as soon as he came in here which seemed like centuries ago. Making sure you couldn't see anything he wiped away the tears falling from his eyes and unlocked the door coming face to face with a very worried looking Niall who straight away jumped on the brunette until he realised he wasn't hugging back and let go not even bothering to hide the hurt look on his face.

"W-What did i do Harry?" Niall asked his voice breaking as all the theories of what he did to upset Harry played in his head.

"You began loving me, I need to leave, Spare you. That's what she said, Leave and make you normal again" Harry babbled on only confusing Niall to the point where it was hurting his head to try and piece together all the pieces of this confusing jiqsaw.

"Harry listen to me. You are normal and your not going to leave, Not now not ever you hear me? I won't let you, Neither will Louis, Liam or Zayn. She's jealous. She doesn't know about us and the love we share does she? She doesn't know how your the only person i can bear waking up to in the morning and falling asleep with at night. Your perfect to me Harry and everytime someone says anything like this to you i want you to tell me and i'll always be here for you" Niall told his lover and for the first time since talking to that fan nearly 3 hours ago Harry smiled.

 Niall told him all the time that he loved him more than anything and he always listed the little things about Harry he loved which made his insides melt all over again with each new thing added to the list but he'd never given him a proper speech like this before so that made him listen more than he usually would have.

"You promise that you'll always be here?" Harry asked still slightly unsure.

"If you promise that you'll treat yourself right then i promise i'll always be here" Niall answered motioning to Harrys arms as he knew the younger boy pressumed it was still his secret and to say Harry was confused was an understatement as he lifed his sleeves to show the full display of what he'd done almost causing Niall to choke on his own tears but a small smile appeared when he heard Harry speak the words that meant the world to him.

"I promise"

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