Niall;Lindzi - Aquarium.

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Walking around the aquarium inspecting all the different types of fish that were being held in tanks i was in one of the most peaceful atmosphere's you could have imagined as there weren't any people here at 1pm in the afternoon they were either in the park outside or at the sea life centre across the carpark which was one of the perks to the job. I got to a section about coral fish when suddenly i heard some shouting coming from the room next to mine, Expecting the worst i looked around and saw that there was a gap inbetween two tanks and ran straight for it making sure i couldn't be seen.

 For the next few minutes everything went quiet and i thought that maybe whoever it was had gone meaning i could come out but just as i was about to stand up the connecting door opened and in came 2 men wearing balaclavas and just as i expected they were carrying guns. I had no idea why they'd want to come and rob an aquarium because i'm sure it wasn't for a new pet but now i had to stay quiet and it was times like this i wish i'd have brought someone with me.

 Settling myself back down onto the floor my racing heart didn't for a second slow down and i knew if i didn't distract myself soon then i'd make a sound due to being scared out of my witts, So pulling out my phone from my jeans pocket and opening twitter i saw something that shocked me more than the fact i was in an aquarium... That was being robbed.

@NiallOfficial: So, Came for a nice day out and now hiding inbetween fish tanks as the place is now being robbed #stayingstrong. #needtofindtheboys. #HELP.

It couldn't mean that One Direction were here in the building with me could it? No of course it couldn't! I didn't see them in reception and i'm the receptionist! It was probably just a coincidence or a prank. Yeah that's what it was. As i looked through more tweets though my theory became less and less likely as the tweets that followed were shared between all the boys asking for their location as they thought they were the only people in the aquarium so they could get to eachother before anything dangerous happened.

 That's when an idea came to mind and even though it was a long shot i didn't fancy being stuck here for much longer not knowing what was going on so i went to Nialls twitter page and wrote him a tweet.

@LiamsTurtles: @NiallOfficial. you have no reason to believe me but i'm in the aquarium too! I work here and i'm inbetween some tanks near the coral fish and the men are somewhere near me, #HurryNiall.

After sending the tweet i knew that i was doomed, He wouldn't believe me no one would and even if they did i decided to give myself the fate that if they did then it would be too late anyway and i wouldn't make it out of here alive as they'd kill me for not coming out of hiding then the boys would escape and go on to tell the tale of the girl who was trapped with them but never came out. I could see it now all over the headlines... I could also see my twitter light blinking signalling someone had tweeted me. It was Niall.

@NiallOfficial: @LiamsTurtles. Your right i don't but since there's no reason for you to lie i'll believe you. I'm behind the tank next to the coral fish so we're near eachother, I'll try get to you once the coasts clear.

I was going to reply but then i heard footsteps approaching and muffled voices so as quickly and quietly as i could i locked my phone and placed it back in my pocket before scooting further back into the wall and closing my eyes hoping that when i opened them i'll have been in a daydream because i'd fainted or something and then i could get up and walk away but of course that wasn't the case and it was still the same situation.

 Around 10 minutes later i noticed that the room had been quiet for most of the time now so taking what was probably one of the most stupidest risk i've ever taken i decided to move forward into the light and call for the blonde haired boy that was supposedly in the room with me.

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