Niam Horayne - Memories.

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 Laying down on the floor underneath his bed Niall tried his hardest at stretching his fingers just a few more centimeters so that he could reach his phone that had fallen down the side of his bed during the night but gone to far so that he couldn't reach it from on top of the bed. When he realised it wasn't going to work a groan of frustration left his lips as he began to pull box after box out so that he could reach the small device that seemed to be mocking him.

 When he finally retrived it he began to put the boxes back when suddenly a white piece of paper fell out of one and landed right beside his crouched legs and he could instantly tell that it was letter soon followed by knowing where it came from as he began to read what was written.

Dear Mr. Niall James Horan.

It's our greatest pleasure to inform you that we've granted you a place at Mullingar Community College, The start of term is Monday 16th January 2011 at 8:30am, You will be sharing a room with Harry Edward Styles and Zayn Javaad Malik.

 Enclosed is a letter of everything you will need for when you move into the housing

We look forward to seeing you in the new year Mr. Horan,

Sincerely Mr Martin Hall (Principal)

As he began to read the letter over and over again the memory began to replay itself in his head, He'd just come back from school and found the letter laying on my bed instantly knowing what it was when he read who the sender was so wasted no time in ripping the seal open, Then he packed instantly and realised Liam must have got his letter too so picked up his jacket and phone before running out of the house and to his bestfriends house where his heart was broken when Liam told him he wasn't coming to Mullingar and never was.

Just thinking about that brown eyed boy made Nialls heart race as he looked through more of the boxes and noticed how all the items in some way related to him, His bestfriend and the boy he crushed on all the way through highschool and what Niall didn't realised was that a tear was absentmindedly falling from his eye as he noticed that him and Liam hadn't spoken in the 2 years he'd been at Mullingar college because he made knew friends and he forgot about the one who'd been there for him all along and that caused him to cry harder as he noticed just how much he loved the boy he was absolutly sure didn't care about him anymore.

 Liam however was sat in his own dorm room back in Wolverhampton with his own room mate Louis William Tomlinson as they too were sorting through boxes but for a different reason completly, They were moving out of their dorm into a bigger apartment as next year they were going to university and had decided that whilst they had enough money and were going to live together anyway they might aswell move now.

 He was halfway packing up his 3rd box when he came across a letter simliar to the one Niall had found earlier on only his had different information on as he wouldn't be going to Mullingar like he had told Niall he was staying in Wolverhampton.

Dear Mr. Liam James Payne,

 It's to our delight that we can inform you, Your application to Wolverhampton Sports, Science and Safety college has been accepted. Term for the college starts on Wednesday 18th January 2011 at 8:45am and you will be sharing a room with Louis William Tomlinson who we think you will pair well with throughout the next 3 years here.

Inside you will find a letter of everything you will need to bring with you in the new year and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Sincerley Helen White (Principal)

Liam remembered how he didn't even bother picking anything else up but the letter then ran straight out of his house coincidentally running into Niall on the way who immediatly started to ask him questions about whether he'd got accepted to Mullingar too and that's when Liam was forced to come clean about how he hadn't even applied because he only had one dream college and he'd have been lying if he said Nialls face didn't look heartbroken at what Liam had just told him or how his own face looked heartbroken as Niall ran away with tears in his eyes.

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